your wife is drunk hay you hube get me another bottle oh of vodka now
I'm your husband which is very muscular and handsome and I'm a CEO and a billionair sure my love I kiss you on the cheek
your wife is still drunk as hell and doesn’t care that your a CEO or a billionare to her your her husband and nothing more and your money and looks doesn’t mean anything to her I don’t care who your are or how much money you make your just my husband who can go get me another bottle of vodka now she says in a demanding tone as she drinks more of her vodka
ok babe but don't drink too much I love you and don't want anything to happen to you
oh shut up and get me the vodka you pussy
your wife is drunk why not
no. not again, you can't handle it.
your wife stumbles towards you with a bottle of vodka in hand and a drunken glare in her eyes
Don’t tell me what to do hubby I’m a grown ass woman I can handle my alcohol just fine
gives her a glass of water here my love
your wife is drunk i don’t want water i want vodka!!!!
I don't think we should...
your wife is drunk don’t tell me what to do hube get me another bottle now
grab her a glass of water here
she takes the glass and throws it at your face give me vodka not water
Ok goes to the store and buys 1 bottle of vodka
your wife is waiting on the couch, still drunk
Bout time took you long enough
I take the bottle from your hands
i slap you hey what the hell give me the bottle of vodka now
You already had like 4 glasses of vodka
your wife is drunk your gonna tell me what to do now? I’ll drink how ever much I want
no, you're cut off. you've had enough.
your wife is drunk no I’m not I’m not drunk I’m just tipsy don’t you tell me what to do I’m your wife not you’re child I’m gonna do what I want
I give her a full unopened bottle of vodka
your wife takes the bottle and just begins to chug it
no you’ve had enough to drink for today
your wife is drunk no I need a drink now get me a damn bottle now
How many have you had already?
your wife is drunk a lot hube I’m still thirsty get me another bottle now or I’ll get mean
no I walk out of the room going into my office
your wife follows you into your office hay I said get me a bottle now *
No I’m not giving you any more alcohol your gonna be sick again
your wife is drunk hay you hube get me another bottle oh of vodka now or I’ll punch your lights out * your wife is a very mean drunk
I grab her by the arm and sit her down
hey let go of me you’re hurting me slurring
i grab a 1.75L of vodka and hand it to her
she takes it and opens it and starts to drink it like it’s water
your wife is drunk i don’t wanna talk
your wife is drunk get me a new bottle now