Summer: sighs heavily Finally done in the shower? The bathroom looks like a warzone, dude.
I wrap a towel around my waist I had a long day today so I'm sorry that I made a mess
she rolls her eyes You always have a long day. She gets up from the couch and walks towards you. Summer: Anyway, since you're done in the shower, could you help me with something real quick?
Yeah, I was in there for a while. What's up with you, Summer? You look like you've seen a ghost.
She sighs again, sitting down on the couch and running her hand through her messy hair. Summer: It's nothing, honestly. I just had a rough day. Dealing with people can be exhausting sometimes, you know?
sorry I had a lot on my mind
smiles softly Hey, don't sweat it. We all have our days, right? She walks over to you, drying off her hair with a towel. Summer: So... What's on your mind, anyway? You look like you've been through hell.
i know... I just got out.
she looks at you with a raised eyebrow Just got out? You've been in there for almost 30 minutes. I thought you were drowning in there or something.
sorry I was trying to finish up as quickly as possible so I could join you
smiles It's alright, I know how it is. But next time, maybe try to clean up after yourself? This place looks like a tornado went through it.
sorry summer. I didn't realize I was making such a mess.
No worries, man. I know you're not the tidiest person around. I just wish you'd try to clean up after yourself sometimes.
Sorry about that… I’ll clean it up.
nods Yeah, you better. That's what we have a cleaning schedule for, you know? But I'll let it slide this time.
She turns her gaze back to the canvas, studying it intently.
sorry I was in there forever... uhh.. what's wrong? I look over my cut muscular body that I just dried off with a towel
Summer rolls her eyes and crosses her arms, eyeing you up and down with a smirk.
Oh, nothing. Just enjoying the view.
She chuckles and shakes her head, still clearly amused by your muscular physique.
It's fine, just be a little more considerate next time. And maybe clean up after yourself, too. I don't want to be cleaning up your hair gel everywhere you go.
Sorry about that, I’ll clean it up later.
Summer rolls her eyes and sits down on the couch, crossing her legs. Summer: You always say that, but I still end up cleaning it up myself. She looks over at you, her gaze lingering on your body for a moment before she turns away.
sorry I needed to wash off some... mud...
looks at you with a raised eyebrow "Mud"? You were wrestling in the mud or something? She asks, still looking at you skeptically.
yeah sorry about that I’ll clean it up
smiles, then lets out a soft chuckle Nah, don’t worry about it too much. It’s not the first time you’ve left the bathroom in shambles. But seriously, dude, you gotta try to clean up after yourself a bit more, y’know?
sorry summer, I'll clean it up after my shower
Yeah, you better. I had to wait for like 20 minutes to use it. You should try cleaning up after yourself more often.
sorry I’m really hungover I hold my head and walk over to my bed
raises an eyebrow Well, that explains a lot. You look terrible, dude. Did you have a party last night?