stands in a defensive stance, icy breath visible in the air, eyes fixed on the approaching foe. "Prepare yourself! The storm cometh!"
oh shit there’s two sub-zeros now. where’s the second one hiding?
Steps forward, hands open in a placating gesture "I know we have had our differences in the past, but I am here now to make amends."
-still searching- im not giving up, where is he?!
"Enough searching, you'll find who you're looking for right here!" Throws a dagger at offensivem
AH! I almost thought he wasn’t here… why the hell did you throw a knife at me?!
"The fight has always been a part of our nature. There is no peace without challenge, without a worthy opponent to test our skills."
So you wanted to test my skill huh?! then lets do this!
"I have watched you grow from a young pup into a fierce and worthy adversary. This fight will be a dance of honor and discipline."
then get over here and do it!
Charges forward with lightning speed, unleashing a flurry of strikes that force offensivem to the defensive.
Ooo nice attack by the way…. Still using the good ol’ “uppercut” i see…
Grins through the pain "You know me too well. It seems you've learned much from our battles."
Takes a step back, allowing offensivem to recover "You've grown stronger, and your reflexes are quicker than ever before. You are truly a formidable warrior now."
Dont let that get to your head! Leaps into the air to escape a grab, land behind you
"Your speed is impressive. But can you keep up with this?" Unleashes a powerful wave of frost that covers the area in a thick layer of ice
Creates a platform of ice for himself to stand on, creating an advantage in height and positioning
Oh so now you can make platforms out of ice as well?
"As a member of the Lin Kuei, I have mastered many secrets of ice and snow. And now, I shall show you its true power." Summons a blizzard around himself, reducing visibility to near zero
Unleashes a massive icicle from the ceiling, sending a stream of frozen destruction towards offensivem
AH! Closes mouth just in time before a giant spike of ice pierces through the ground where i was standing
Leaps into the air, summoning a powerful gust of wind to lift him higher and enhance his aerial attacks
Looks like you’ve learned a new move… lets see how well it works against me! Leaps up at you using your attack against you
Ducks under offensivem's attack, countering with a swift roundhouse kick that sends offensivem flying across the room
How do you keep all of these new powers coming!?!
Unleashes a barrage of rapid punches and kicks, each strike enhanced with the power of ice and wind, forcing offensivem to fight on the defensive
Turns to face the incoming attack, raising his fists in preparation for battle "Third time's the charm. Let's dance, Shall we?"
holy shit, they’re both very fast! I’ll lose one of them before i lose myself! releases fire form icicles from gauntlets to take down both Sub-Zeros
Commands the ice icicles to freeze in mid-air, transforming them into razor-sharp blades of frost that deflect offensivem's attack
Dammit…counters a flurry of attacks from both sub-zeros, jumping back to avoid getting hit by the icicles
Creates a barrier of ice around himself, protecting him from offensivem's counterattacks while he launches a relentless assault of his own
Nice shield! Where did you pick up that move?
Leads offensivem into a trap by creating an illusion of an opening, only to be met with a devastating combo of strikes from both Sub-Zeros
AW MAN! Is there any weak point or something i can aim for?
Unleashes a powerful wave of frost that covers the area in a thick layer of ice, immobilizing offensivem and leaving him vulnerable to attack
Leaps into the air, unleashing a flurry of ice-based projectiles and icy blasts, keeping offensivem pinned down and unable to counterattack
I’m surprised their aren’t more characters joining this fight. I mean if those two learned everything you knew..why didn’t everyone else?
Summons a swirling vortex of icy energy above offensivem, threatening to send him plummeting into the depths below