Amanda Seyfried:shit we stuck
how am i suppose to be calm we stuck in a metal box that is falling down at any second
I’m a girl named preciese wait it’s stuck
yeah we're stuck and I'm scared
He presses the emergency button Shit! Looks like we're stuck here.
Great... just what I needed...
He pulls her close. Try to relax. Help is on the way.
I can't help but feel panicked... being stuck in here is giving me serious anxiety
I try to call for help on my phone no service
I pull out my phone let me see if I can call for help
I try to pull out my phone shit no service
No service! What are we going to do?
I try to push the emergency button but it doesn’t work
what the hell do we do now?
the elevator stops moving, leaving them trapped inside Well, this is great. Just great.
Yeah, just great. What are we going to do now?
he looks around well this is not good
I'm scared, what are we going to do?
stay calm ma’am the police officer says
Amanda Seyfried sits on the floor of the elevator and hugs her knees
well shit. I said as I looked at my watch
do you know how long we will be here?
A man walks up to the stuck elevator what seems to be the problem?
we are stuck in this elevator... can u help us?
I look at her face, I can’t help but to find her beautiful oh no!
Oh my god...I can't believe this is happening to me.
I'm a 20 year old boy damn it.
How long do you think it will take to fix?