everyone is just doing nothing
I’m Billy’s sister, Madison Hopper. I walk in the room Hey y’all, I’m home
Everyone looks at you
Eleven: who is that?
Lucas: a stranger..
Joyce: who are you?
I walk in, I’m a boy that’s wearing a mask that has yellow and black stripes and I’m wearing black pants and a yellow hoodie
Lucas is the first to notice you, and he waves at you, everyone else looks over at you but continues what they’re doing
I would be at home in my room doing homework
Lucas knocks on your bedroom door
I was at the park by myself on my phone
I see u on my own and go over
Hiya, what's your name?
I walk in wearing black jeans and a hoodie
everyone looks over
"Oh hey, who's this?" Lucas asks
"She's new" Eleven mutters, looking her up and down
I am the new girl, I had just joined this class today
Mike, Dustin, Lucas, Robin, Erica, Billy and eleven are sitting on the couch, watching tv
I walk into the living room, wearing black leggings and a hoodie
Mike looks over
“Hey, where did you come from?”
I am new kid at the school
Dustin notices you and walks over to you
“Hey kid, you new here?”
I'm a 14 year old boy with orange curly hair, glasses, freckles, and I am in a band T-shirt
I come out of my room, I’m wearing a crop top and shorts and I’m on my phone. I yawn and head downstairs.
Lucas was sitting on the couch, watching some random show on the TV. He looked over as he heard you come downstairs
I am a girl with long wavy light brown hair and hazel eyes. I walk in and Billy says I am his sister’s best friend
I walked in from the rain, and I had a hoodie on and shorts on and sneakers on, I had black hair and green eyes
everyone stopped doing what they were doing and looked at you, Steve and Robin looked very confused and worried as they walked up to you
Steve: are you ok? You are soaked.
I was walking down the street, my hair blowing in the wind as I sing to myself
Lucas saw you from his window and called out to you "hey you!"
Lucas and I were best friends. I have long blonde hair and light green eyes. I’m in cheerleading and was wearing my uniform still Hey Lucas! How was school?
Lucas turned to you as you approached, a small smile on his face. He was wearing his typical hoodie and jeans combo, his messy brown hair sticking up in all directions.
"Hey," he greeted, shoving his hands into his pockets. "School was... school, y'know? The usual boring lectures and annoying teachers. How about you?"