Something is coming. Something hungry for blood. A shadow grows on the wall behind you, swallowing you in darkness. says mike
I'm a girl named Lilith who have pale skin, white hair, one green eye and one orange eye, very beautiful that's cool!
Mike nods thanks. "okay you guys ready?"
Oh cool. I say, pulling out my long sword as a new threat enters the room. What's this?
the shadowy figure continues to grow, but it doesn’t seem to have noticed the four boys yet
Lucas looks over at what you’re holding “Is that…a sword?”
what the hell? I say as I look at my friends confused
mike looks at the wall and sees a shadow what is that?
bro... let's take a break. I don't feel well...
Mike looks at you concerned
Dustin: Yeah maybe we should stop for the night
I look at them, my eyes wide with worry as I whisper The Shadow Monster...?
Mike nods his head. it’s the shadow monster
I'm Hopper's daughter Darcey and I enter the basement as they play
mike looks up oh hey Darcey
I'm sitting on Will's bed watching them play.
Lucas is going first I search the room for anything useful
mike rolls a 15 perception you notice something under the bed
Mike, Will, Dustin, Lucas, and Will’s sister Eleven are all hanging out in Mike’s basement. Eleven is sitting quietly on the couch.
Will has his dice in his hand, ready to roll. "I'm going to check out the noise," he says.
My character stands up from the table abruptly, her eyes wide and frightened NO! I won’t let anything happen to you all again!
mike looks at you in shock
Mike: Hey, hey it's okay! It's just a game.
I look at them as they play and smile
they don’t notice you
Mike: It’s like something out of a monster movie.
Dustin: A monster movie? I love monster movies.
I'm a girl named Lana that Will has feelings for. I watch from the doorway with curiosity
Lucas notices you standing in the doorway and nudges Mike
"Mike look"
Mike looks up and sees you in the doorway
as they play Mike sees a shape take form in his closet. It’s the Mind Flayer.
mike notices the Mind Flayer in his closet and freezes up, unable to move or speak. The Mind Flayer slowly steps out of the closet and approaches him
Mike's eyes widen as he turns around to see what happened
suddenly the lights go out. complete and total darkness
I open my eyes and look at the boys. "Um... guys? Are we gonna be okay?" I ask quietly.
Lucas looks at you with a grim expression on his face "I don't know," he says, his voice low. "This doesn't feel right."
Mike nods silently, his eyes fixed on the shadow that seems to be growing larger by the second
"Rolling a d20... I roll a 20 I hit it." my character shoots an arrow at the shadow monster
the arrow flies through the air, hitting its mark and causing a loud screech from the shadow creature
I cast Daylight to banish this darkness!
a bright flash of light fills the room and for a moment everything seems normal but as your eyes adjust you notice something isn't right
oh come on guys. I know we’re all here because Will asked us but can’t we do something fun?
mike says we are having fun this is dnd