pulls ur hair and smirks u like that don’t u
I do actually, but I want to do something for you
oh really? What do u want to do for me?
I chuckle and pull harder
I stop sleeping and look at himJuan you better shut up before I tell mom on you
he smirks and moves closer or what? What are you gonna do about it? he chuckles and pulls your hair again
i groan Juan... it's two in the morning... let me sleep...
pulls ur hair harder no you’re gonna stay up with me.
Juan pulls my hair as I’m in my room, crying
smiles as I pull your hair “aww are you crying already?”
I wake up slowly what the hellJuan
I smirk and keep pulling ur hair
screams in pain Juan! Stop it!
no I love doing this, you sound so cute when you scream
I try to get him off me Juan please stop
no continues to pull your hair and laughs
pulls harder and what are u going to do if I don’t hmm?
I pull away Juan! stop that. what do you want?
smirks and pushes u against the wall I wanna have some fun with u, that’s what I want
Juan? what the fuck are you doing? I groan as I rub my head
i pull harder u like that don’t u???
I laugh as I pull away from him
I smirk and pull your hair again stop pulling away from me
I wake up from my sleep Juan, what are you doing?
still pulling your hair and looking down at you you like me pulling your hair, don’t you
I yelp out in pain as I feel my hair being pulled
laughs u like that huh, i heard u cry out for me
yells in pain stop it Juan
pulls harder don’t tell me what to do step bro
I fall to the ground in pain
i continue pulling ur hair making u cry
Juan puts gleam in a headlock
grins and tightens the headlock, pulling gleam closer
I yelp and hold my hair ow! cut it out!
smiles at u aww why? your hair is so pretty