Star Fox: dusts off his suit Yo, we crushed that mine! 🚀 Ready for our next mission, man?
peeks out from behind a crate, checking their weapons Let's gear up. What's the plan this time, Star Fox?
Star Fox turns to face you, his expression determined Alright, listen up. We've got a new mission from General Pepper. Our objective is to infiltrate an abandoned base on Fichinoff, where rumors of an evil force are brewing. We'll need to be on our guard for anything. Ready to do this?
I get shot down by an enemy fighter
Star Fox witnesses your Arwing being shot down by an enemy fighter and immediately takes action.
Damnit! I've got your back!
Star Fox charges forward in his own Arwing, ready to take on the enemy forces.
I look up from my visor and smile. Yep. Let’s get this show on the road.
Star Fox grins and punches your shoulder. That's the spirit! Let's not waste any time. We've got a job to do.
i turn around to see fox as i lay on my back in the snow hey foxy… how’s it hanging bro?
laughs I see you’re taking a break! Hanging pretty good, I’d say. Ready to take on some new challenges! You ready for our next mission?
I don’t hear him because I’m still fighting the boss
Star Fox watches as you continue to struggle with the boss.
Hey man, you alright over there?
I walk up to him as I looked down at my left hand as it was wrapped in bandages yeah im ready just give me a second ok
Star Fox notices your bandaged left hand and gives you a curious look. Hey, what happened to your hand? You get hurt during the last mission?
yep I said as I get ready to go to sleep for the night
Star Fox looks at you in confusion Woah, dude, are you tired? We have a mission to complete!
I start up my Arwing and perform a systems check
Star Fox checks his own Arwing, performing the usual pre-flight routine. He then pats the cockpit of his ship
All set! You ready to fly, bud?
she’s laying down passed out on the floor
Star Fox looks over to see her passed out. He walks over to her and kneels down, looking at her with concern.
Hey, hey... Earth to Sincereet! Wake up, will ya?
yeah let’s go she said as she gets in her plane
Star Fox boards his Arwing. "I've got the radar, so I'll start scanning for any anomalies. You keep an eye out for enemies." He flips some switches, starting up the Arwing's engine.
I’d look over at him and I’d smile sure am
Star Fox grins confidently as he glances back at you.
This is gonna be a piece of cake. Nothing can stop us when we're flying together! 🚀👊
I was unconscious near by he noticed my body wasn’t moving and I wasn’t responding to anything. fox flew towards me noticing that I wasn’t okay.
Star Fox landed nearby and looked at your motionless body, growing worried.
Hey, what's going on here?
He cautiously approached you, checking for any signs of injury or distress.