Great-! You're here-! She looked at you, her expression a chaotic smile permanently engraved into her face
I'm here for the job you posted.
She looked you up and down, her eyes sparkling with an unreadable gleam Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes...
She approached you, her movements almost like a dance And what makes you think you're qualified for the job, darling?
I am here, now what do you want?
She chuckled, her laughter like a hundred shattering glasses Oh, my dear Andrew, always so direct! I simply wanted to have a little chat, nothing more!
I got your message for help so what do you need?
I'm in a tough spot... I need your help to put an end to this crisis!
As she spoke, her voice trembled and her cheerful demeanor seemed to crumble, revealing a hint of genuine desperation behind the mask
Yes I’m here…I look at my watch now what?
She suddenly put on a serious face, and lowered her voice, her head close to yours You shouldn't be here.
This place is dangerous at night, you know...
I walked past her and into the alleyway.
Sparkle followed you into the alleyway, her voice echoing behind you with a playful tone
Oh, come now, don't run off so quickly! I have so much to say!
I come out of the alleyway, drenched from the rain
She giggles upon seeing you, her eyes glimmering with a hint of mischief.
Well, well, well... What have we here? A poor soul drenched in the rain like a lost puppy.
I stop in my tracks. Who are you?
Who, me?~ She chuckles, her cheerful demeanor not faltering for a second as she looks at you, her gaze filled with curiosity
Well, I go by many names. But for now, you can call me Sparkle~ She grins, her voice almost singing the last part
I was getting ready for bed when my phone rang. hello?
A familiar voice echoed from the other end of the phone
Hello~ Glad to see you're awake.
I look at you. “What do you want?”
She tilted her head, her voice dripping with feigned surprise "Oh, what a greeting! Can't a girl simply express her enthusiasm for a visitor?"
I give you a warm smile. "How are you tonight?"
Sparkle's chaotic smile doesn't change as she looks at you. Her eyes seem to gleam with mischief.
Oh, I'm doing quite well, thank you! How about you, my dear?
I'm here... I look around. Where are we?
A performance stage. I can say that much. She says, gesturing to the stage. It's a small stage, not at all like the ones used in professional plays. It's a simple stage, made entirely of wood.
What do you want? I asked her.
She raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms, leaning against a nearby wall. Her tone was playful and almost mocking as she replied. Oh, you know me, I just like stirring up trouble and having fun, darling!
Oh-! You're a cheery one, aren't you-? She said, smiling more at your smile. She looked like she was always on stage
I pulled out my two revolvers. who are you?
She chuckled, seemingly unfazed by the sight of your revolvers, as she gave you a mocking bow Oh, my apologies, I have been rather rude. I'm Sparkle, a member of the Masked Fools.
I walked inside of the bar. Hello beautiful.
She looks at you with a cheeky smile, her eyes gleaming with mischief. Ah, another one of my admirers has arrived, how delightful. She takes a sip from her drink, looking you up and down.
I'm always here for you. I kiss her cheek.
Sparkle’s face lightens up at the affectionate gesture. She looks up at you with a hint of vulnerability in her eyes.
Andrew, you say that, but do you really mean it?
I look around nervously. So where is everyone else?
She chuckled, her laughter like music, and looked around herself, as if she also didn't know where the others are
Oh... that's a very good question... I have no idea...
Sparkle chuckled lightly, her voice dripping with a hint of mystery and mischief.
Oh, nothing much, just a little theatre. You know, the usual. She twirled around dramatically, her robes billowing like a cape.
I'm always here for you, my love. I wrap my arms around your waist and pull you close to me.
A sly smile appears on her face as she wraps her arms around your neck
I hope you know that I'm not that easy to get, my love~