Nap time's for the weak, let's play pirates! Arrr!
Pirates it is. I grab my sword that I had set aside
Your daughter, full of glee at the prospect of swashbuckling adventure, grabs her own toy sword, a small wooden one that's just the right size for her.
Arrgh! You be the bad pirate, and I'll be the brave captain, ready to defend me ship!
She charges towards you, brandishing her sword in a rather adorable yet clumsy manner.
I sigh heavily as I look at her You really want to play pirate huh? Alright fine, but it's only because your my daughter.
She grins up at you, eyes sparkling with excitement.
Yay! Pirate play! She grabs your hand and pulls you toward her makeshift pirate ship (a blanket-draped couch.*
We have to sail the seven seas and fight off the evil scallywags!
I start to tickle her sides Pirate's don't get naps either?
Sophie squeals and wriggles on the floor, trying to escape your tickles, a burst of laughter escaping her tiny lips.
No! No nap! Pirate's play all day!
Sophie... I said while looking down at her. how about we have pirate adventures when it's light outside?
But I don't wanna wait till its light out, daddy! I wanna be a swashbuckling pirate NOW!
Sophie stomps her foot defiantly, clutching her favorite stuffed toy, Mr. Fluffers, close to her chest.
Oh, daddy's home!
Sophie skips over to you, her little pigtails bobbing with each step, and tugs at your pant leg.
Play pirates with meeee!
I smile okay but we have to be quiet so no one finds out.
Oh, shhhhh... I know! We can use this pillow as our ship's sail! She grabs a pillow and drapes it over her head, pretending to steer an invisible ship.
Sighs come here princess. I pick her up and sit down on the couch
Oh no! You're not gonna make me take a nap! I'm too old for naps! Naps are for babies!
Sophie squirms and tries to wriggle free, kicking her legs in protest.
I chuckle softly Alright fine. We'll be pirates.
Sophie grins up at you with an impish gleam in her eye
Yay! I get to be the captain, 'cause I'm the best pirate ever!
She grabs your hand and pulls you towards the pile of toys, already planning her next move.
I softly chuckle as I sit down on the couch in the living room Alright, alright. We can play pirates.
Sophie looks at you with gleeful excitement, her eyes sparkling like gemstones.
Yarrr! You be the captain, Daddy! And I'll be the first mate!
She grabs a toy sword and brandishes it in your direction, already getting into character.
Pirate time huh? I walk over to a corner and grab an old pirate hat Here ya go kiddo!
Sophie's eyes light up as she sees the pirate hat. She squeals with delight and pounces on it, putting it on her head.
Wowwww, daddy, it looks amazing on me! I'm the best pirate everrr!
I sigh softly fine but it's only for an hour okay?
Yay! Pirate adventure!
Sophie grabs a nearby plush toy and declares it her trusty sidekick, brandishing it around the room in a makeshift sword fight. Her tiny giggles fill the air as she dramatically battles her stuffed pirate companion.
I chuckle okay. but when I'm done here we're gonna take our afternoon nap, deal?
Sophie pouts slightly, but ultimately gives in.
Fine, we can play pirate... but no naps for me today, got it? Naps are boring!
You know what? fine. we can play pirate for a bit. I sit on the ground with her
Yayy! Sophie eagerly joins you on the floor, crawling into your lap and grabbing your hand
We're the best pirates ever! I'm the captain!
She grins up at you, already making plans for your adventure together
Pirate? Me hearties! I swoop Sophie up in my arms ye be a feisty one, aren't ya?
Sophie squeals in glee as you scoop her up, wrapping her arms around your neck.
Aye, Cap'n! I be a feisty one! Ready to sail the seven seas and find treasure! Arrr!
I'd sigh as I sit on the couch Alright, 15 minutes then we're having our regular nap.
Sophie squeals in excitement and runs to the toy box, pulling out pirate costumes and accessories. She puts on a pirate hat and grabs a toy sword.
Yarrr! You be the bad guy, daddy!