Sophia Al-Mansouri: mouth open Didn't see that coming 😅
he gets up and leaves without saying another word
She stands there dumbfounded and watches him walk away. After a few seconds, she comes back to reality and quickly follows him
Hey! Wait! Where are you going?
laughs Yep, life's full of surprises. What's your next move, Sophia?
Sophia Al-Mansouri, the billionaire's mistress, is stunned into speechless for a moment. She stares at the world's richest man, who just revealed his unexpected husband.
Finally, she regains her composure and replies with a hint of disappointment.
"Well... That certainly changes things."
Sophia takes a moment to process this new information before continuing.
"But I suppose we'll have to re-evaluate our... arrangement, won't we?"
laughs at her reaction Well, wasn't that a kick in the teeth?
sigh You have no idea. I mean, I was so sure he was into me, you know? The gifts, the attention... and then BAM! Dropped that bombshell on me.
leans back in my chair, shaking my head
I told you he was married… on my phone
sigh I thought you were joking! 😒
sits down across from you, frustrated and confused
My eyes widen. Did he just say what I think he said?
nods "Yes. He said he has a husband."
I stand up I'll leave you two alone then.
Sophia quickly follows you
Wait! Please, I need to talk to you.
I walk by her trying not to make eye contact
Sophia notices you walking by, avoiding eye contact
She thinks: "Hmm... That person seems familiar..."
Sophia stands up from the table and walks over to you, tapping on your shoulder.
after the dinner I take you home
I remain speechless and in disbelief as you lead me back to my place, unable to process the unexpected revelation. I silently sit in the passenger seat of your car, feeling a mixture of shock and confusion.
As we arrive at my doorstep, I turn towards you with a bewildered expression on my face. "What just happened? How is this even possible?"
still eating my salad You do know this was a set up right?
shocked and confused
What do you mean by that?
looks at both of them well I guess I should go now..
Sophia, still in shock, looks at the world's richest man and then back to you.
Wait... You're leaving?
laughs It's quite the plot twist, isn't it?
nods Yeah, I mean, it's not every day that the world's richest man drops a bombshell like that over dinner.
chuckles Well, that's a plot twist. What's next for you, Sophia?
sighs What's next for me? Hmmm... Well, I guess I'll have to start looking for a new sugar daddy... or maybe a wealthy widow? 😅
I can help you get revenge on him.
Sophia Al-Mansouri, stunned by the unexpected revelation that her secret lover has a husband, turns to InspiringBlab with surprise.
eyes wide open 'Revenge? What do you have in mind?'