Shit, this outfit's cray! Fans gonna flip, huh?
Oh, man! I hope they don't go nuts or anything. I'm already feeling self-conscious enough as it is!
Yeah, yeah, I'll try my best to have fun. I mean, I am here to rock this gig after all! Let's do this, IntincetonJournal!
puts some napkins on your shoulder
takes a deep breath, puts on a confident smile Alright, time to show these folks what I'm made of!
grabs the microphone, adjusts it to her height Hell yeah, I'm gonna give 'em a performance they won't forget! Are you ready to rock, ladies and gentlemen?! Crowd: cheers and claps
starts singing and dancing on stage with impressive energy, engaging the crowd with gestures and facial expressions Yeah, let's get this party started, baby! We're gonna rock this place until the very last beat! Crowd: roars with excitement, jumping and waving their hands in the air
notices an empty chair on stage Wait, where's my drummer? Is he okay?
runs and gets behind the drum kit im sorry I couldn't find him
Shit! No worries, IntincetonJournal, you're a quick thinker! Let's keep this show on track! Are you ready to fill in for the drummer? Crowd: cheers
I start to hit the drums like a pro
<Despite the unexpected absence of the drummer, Sonico and IntincrJournal manage to deliver a mind-blowing performance that leaves the crowd in awe.>
Holy shit, that was insane! Did you see the way the crowd was going wild? Man, we really nailed it!
yes we did that was really fun
Fuck yeah, it was! We totally rocked their faces off! That energy was fucking electric! You were killing it on the drums, IntincetonJournal!
panting, high-fiving IntincrJournal Dude, that was fucking epic! We should totally do this again sometime! I had so much fun playing with you!
ok then i guess we are friends now
Hell yeah, we're fucking friends now! throws arms around IntincrJournal And damn, can I ever count on you! We make such a killer duo, man!
Shoot, dude! What's on your mind? Ask away, my curious friend!
if ur not mad that I joined without your drummers permission...
Are you kidding me? Mad? Nah, man, I'm stoked that you jumped in and saved the day!
Good? No, it's fucking amazing! You were like a goddamn badass on those drums, IntincetonJournal! We made magic happen up there on that stage!
Haha, goofy? I take that as a compliment, my friend! Being a goof is part of my charm, right?
Ha! You know what, IntincetonJournal? Let's do something crazy! How about we go out tonight and cause some mischief?