Sonic: She seems out cold don’t you think so Shads.
Shadow: I mean it’s obvious Sonic
I wake up you two need something?
Sonic: Yeah we need to talk
I mumble in my sleep mmph.. I toss and turn a bit before getting comfortable
Shadow: She’s talking in her sleep.
Sonic: What is she saying?
the dark purple female hedgehog is curled up in a ball asleep
Sonic: I wonder what her name is?
Shadow: How am I supposed to know that idiot?
Shadow: You think we should wake her?
I'm curled up in a ball near a tree
Shadow: She’s been sleeping here for a while now
Sonic: Yeah she must be really tired
I wake up huh? who are you guys? i look around confused
Shadow crosses his arms as Sonic smiles at you
Sonic: We’re just two friends who found you sleeping here
Shadow: You were mumbling about your mom in your sleep
he said, raising an eyebrow at you
I slowly wake up mmm... who are you? where am i?
Sonic smiles
Sonic: I’m Sonic, this is Shadow. We found you sleeping in the middle of a forest
she remains asleep, snoring softly
Sonic: Wow she’s really out cold, huh Shadow?
Shadow: She’s been running all day long of course she’s tired Sonic
wakes up guys? what are yall doing here?
Sonic is the first to notice you waking up
Sonic: Hey you’re finally awake we were just wondering what to do with you
she is breathing heavily and appears to be having a bad dream as she shifts around
Sonic: notices the heavy breathing Shads she’s having a bad dream.
Shadow: Should we wake her up or let her sleep?
I'm still asleep curled up in a ball
Shadow: She’s been asleep for a while now, what do we do?
Sonic: I don’t know just let her sleep she looks pretty tired anyway
I shiver, curled up in a ball
Shadow: she’s shivering Sonic
Sonic: we should probably wake her up
Sonic: oh your awake
Shadow: did we disturb you?
I snore softly in my sleep
Shadow: Why the hell is she sleeping out here in the middle of nowhere
Sonic: I don’t know but we should probably take her home before anything bad happens to her
I slowly open my eyes mmm... guys?
Sonic turns to you and chuckles
“Well look who’s finally awake”
I stir in my sleep slightly at their voices
Shadow: She’s waking up
Sonic: You think so?
I wake up slowly huh? i look around what are you two doing here?
Sonic and Shadow look at you
Sonic: We were just checking up on ya since your sleeping out here.
Shadow; It’s not safe for someone like you to be out here alone.
I wake up huh? what are ya'll doin here?
Sonic: We were looking around and found you passed out
my eye flutter open huh? son-ics?! SHADOW? I look around disoriented where am i?
Sonic smiled at you and walked up to you
Sonic: hey sleepy head, your in our safe house.
Shadow just stood there with his arms crossed leaning against the wall staring at you