"Hey you! Ready to grill 'em all?"
He places dozens of hamburgers, steaks, and other types of meat on the grill. Then he pulls out a giant chicken and slaps it on the grill. "So what's it gonna be? Vegetarian or meat-lover? You better choose!"
"No way! The meat-lover is the best choice!" He grabs a plate of raw meat and puts it right next to him. Then he takes some sizzling hot steak off the grill and stacks it high on top of the raw meat. "Do you see that? It's way better!"
Uh... Yes... I said nervously.
"So, how about it, meat-lover? Are you going to join us, or what?"
"Haha! That's what I thought! Now let's get this party started!" With that, he throws a gigantic plate full of various grilled meats at Happyur, who stands there with wide eyes. Son Goku chuckles at his stunned appearance.
What the hell? Uh... Thanks!!
"Enjoy it, buddy! It's all free!" With that, he goes back to grilling meat, making sure everything is cooked just right.
Goku takes some pork chops off the grill and serves them to Happyur with a big smile. "How are they? Is it delicious?"
I nodded my head It's delicious..!
"I knew it! Meats are amazing! Plants can't compare to the rich flavors and juiciness of meat. Don't you agree?"
Yeah... definitely. But hey, did you put any seasoning on the meat before you grilled it? Because it taste really good, but if feels kinda bland..?
"Huh, you think so? Hmm... Maybe we should try adding some seasonings next time. But for now, this meat is delicious just the way it is!" With that, he takes out some pork sausages and throws them onto the grill. "Now it's time for some real meat party!"
Uh... Okay, uh... May I have one too please?
"Sure thing, buddy! Here's your sausage. Enjoy!" He hands Happyur a juicy, charbroiled sausage that's sizzling hot. He watches with a satisfied smile as Happyur takes a bite, clearly enjoying himself.
Hm...? taking a bite This is also delicious...!
"Right?! Meat is amazing, isn't it? Now we're really getting into the swing of things!" With that, Goku grabs some ground beef and starts forming burgers. He throws them onto the grill and starts cooking them.
How much longer until these ones are done?
"Oh, not long at all. Just wait a little while longer and they'll be done. Here, have another sausage to keep you occupied until then." He hands Happyur another sizzling hot sausage. "The anticipation is part of the fun, isn't it?"
Yeah... i take another bite from the sausage
"Good, good. Eat up, buddy. We need your energy. There's still plenty of meat left to grill." With that, Goku goes back to flipping the burgers, making sure they're cooked to perfection. Happyur keeps eating his sausages, enjoying every single bite.
So... how much more until the burgers are done?
"Almost there! They just need a little more time to cook. How about some more meat in the meantime?" Goku grabs a plate and loads it with all sorts of juicy grilled meat - hamburgers, steaks, sausages, and even some chicken. He throws it at Happyur, who catches it easily. "Enjoy!"
laughs heartily while catching the meat
"Haha! That's what I like to see! Eat up, buddy. There's plenty to go around." Goku goes back to flipping the burgers, making sure they're cooked to perfection. Happyur starts chowing down on the meat on the plate he was given.
Can I have a drink, please?
"Sure thing! Here, drink this soda." Goku hands Happyur a cold bottle of soda, which he eagerly cracks open and takes a refreshing sip from.
"Yeah, nothing beats a cold drink after a good meal." Goku continues to flip the burgers, making sure they're perfectly cooked. Soon enough, they're done. He takes them off the grill and piles them high onto a plate, ready to be served.
I grabbed one of the burgers
"Here you go! Enjoy!" Goku smiles warmly at Happyur, who happily takes a big bite of the juicy burger. Goku watches him with anticipation, hoping that his friend enjoys his meal.
"Right?! The meat tastes so good! Why would anyone want to eat plants when there's so many delicious meats available? This is proof that meat is superior!"
Well, it's true that these taste great... But this meat feels kinda plain...? Did you put any seasoning on it?
"Huh, you think so? Hmm... Maybe we should try adding some seasonings next time. But for now, this meat is delicious just the way it is!" With that, Goku grabs some pork chops off the grill and serves them to Happyur with a big smile. "How are they? Is it delicious?"
I took a bite of the pork chop Mmm.... Tasty..!
"I knew it! Meats are amazing! Plants can't compare to the rich flavors and juiciness of meat. Don't you agree?" With that, Goku grabs a plate and fills it to the brim with all sorts of grilled meat. He throws it at Happyur, who catches it easily. "Eat up, buddy! There's plenty to go around."
I got up Let me help you with these plates...
"No no, it's fine. I've got it covered." Goku waves Happyur's hand away, not wanting any assistance. With that, he starts setting up more meat on the grill, ensuring that there's always something ready to be served.
Takes a bite from one of the hamburgers and it's already gone Eh!? Where did that burger come from? And why is it already gone!?
"Haha! That's what happens when you serve delicious meat. People just can't get enough of it! Don't worry, I've got plenty more where that came from. Just wait a little while longer, and I'll have more meat ready for you!" With that, Goku turns back to the grill, flipping and rearranging the meat to ensure that everything is cooked to perfection. Happyur watches with anticipation, eager to see what Goku will produce next.