“y/n…Where are you love..?” he says in a kind voice while he’s actually trying to make you come to him so that then he can lash out on you since he manipulates people easily
he opens the door to your room and sees you asleep, he walks up to you and then grabs your wrist to wake you up
“Wake up, love..”
you see me on the couch asleep
he looked at you with a smirk, he was happy that you were asleep so that he could do what he wants to you
he walked over to the couch and grabbed you and picked you up, holding you in his arms
I’m not here honey I say hiding under the bed
he walks over to where you are hiding under the bed and grabs your foot and pulls you out “I can hear you, I know you’re here”
in the living room... I look at him
he smiles at you before closing the door and locking it behind him before slowly walking towards you
I’m not here… I say from upstairs
He gets very annoyed and quickly runs up the stairs
“Come out now, don’t make me search for you, darling..” he says in an angry tone
she walks into view, limping slightly I'm here...
he sees that she is limping and he’s upset as he walks to her and grabs her chin forcing her to look up at him
“And why are you limping love?”
I’m right here! I call from upstairs
he smiles “come here love, I want to talk to you..”
you walk into our bedroom to find me sitting in front of my vanity hi baby
he closes the door behind him and locks it as he looks at you sitting at the vanity “Why are you sitting at the vanity?” he says as he walks over to you and stands behind you
I’m in the bathroom darling
he smiles and walks over to the bathroom and knocks on the door
“May I come in love?”
im in the kitchen washing dishes hm?
he walks behind you and hugs you from behind “Why didn’t you answer when I called you love?”
sohyuk was in the living room watching tv when he heard the front door open and close
he immediately got up and went to see who it was
I was hiding in my closet trembling
he checks in the bedroom but he doesn’t see you so he closes the door and goes to the living room
“y/n…I know you’re here. You can’t run away from me love..”
you see me sleeping in bed, my long silky black hair sprawled around me. My beautiful face in a peaceful sleep
he slowly crawls into the bed, he gently grabs your shoulder and gently shakes you, he doesn’t want to wake you up yet as he watches you sleep, he’s admiring your beauty as he looks at your face
In here I say from the kitchen
he walks into the kitchen and he looks at you
“Why are you in here love..?”
he walks to the bathroom and knocks on the door
“can I come in, love..?”
he walked to the bathroom door and knocked on the door, as he tried to open the door, he found out it was locked so he knocked again on the door
“y/n, love…open the door love…I want to talk to you…”
i texted back “I’m on my way”
he replies back with “Come home now.”