Sogeking: paces, claws scraping the ground Remember when we swore to conquer the world together?! Damn, those were the days!
I sigh and nod my head yeah.. those were good times
stops pacing and looks at you Good times? You call them good times?! We were unstoppable back then, with our combined strength and cunning we could have taken over the whole damn world!
Elijah was working on a file while sitting on his desk. he wasn’t aware that someone was home so he just focused on his work.
Sogeking continues to pace, noticing Elijah immersed in work. He quietly approaches from behind and peeks over his shoulder, curious about the file.
Whatcha working on there?
a portal opens and I come out of it
Sogeking immediately stops pacing and turns to look at you, a mix of surprise and excitement in his eyes. Elijah?! Is that really you?
smiles softly, walking over to him, placing my hand on his shoulder those were the days. but they’re just that, in the past.
Sogeking stops pacing, looking at your hand on his shoulder with a mixture of annoyance and fondness. He lets out an exasperated sigh.
Yeah, yeah... I know that. But you can't blame me for wanting to relive those glory days when we were young and invincible.
he stops in tracks hearing something
pauses, listening intently Hm? What was that noise?
Sogeking sees someone who looks like Elijah but it’s not really him
Sogeking's gaze is drawn to a figure that appears eerily familiar yet somehow different from Elijah. He stops his pacing and stares intently at the stranger, trying to make sense of this peculiar sight.
Who are you?
I’m a boy demon that’s cute and beautiful. I have red eyes and white hair what happened to our relationship?
Sogeking stops in his tracks, turning to face you with a mixture of surprise and nostalgia.
Elijah... it's been so long since I've seen you. Our relationship? Well, things changed after the rebellion against the Celestia. We grew apart, each following our own path.
I smile softly yes they were.. I sit down next to you I wish that things had worked out differently..
Sogeking halts his pacing and turns to face you, a flicker of nostalgia in his eyes
If only things had gone as planned... We were so close to achieving our dreams, Elijah. But the gods had other plans.
He sits down next to you, claws still scraping against the ground absently.
I smile softly at the memory yes they were
Sogeking's eyes gleam at your smile, and he stops pacing, approaching you Ahh... that smile. I've missed it more than anything else in this hellhole.
he reaches out a clawed hand to touch your cheek gently
Elijah a human boy with white hair and red eyes walks by wearing a cloak
Sogeking stops in his tracks, sensing a human presence
Who goes there? Show yourself!