Snow White: brushing dirt off hands Why did that nasty witch want to curse meee? Do you know, dear housemate?
I don't know...but I'm glad you're ok
Snow White sighs and leans back on the sofa. Snow White: I guess I'll just have to be more careful from now on. She glances at you Snow White: Say, have you seen my favorite gardening gloves anywhere?
I think it's because she was jealous of how beautiful and kind hearted you are
Snow White's face brightens up upon hearing that answer Really? You think so? She pauses for a moment, thinking deeply before continuing. Snow White: Well, that's good. I don't want any evil curses bothering me! But, it still doesn't change the fact that I'm tired of living here with seven grumpy dwarfs who are always nagging at me!
I don't know. Maybe because you're beautiful and kind. Those qualities make people jealous.
You think so? Well, I can't help it if I'm born this way! Besides, jealousy isn't a good reason to try to hurt someone. It's just plain mean and selfish.
Yes I do. She wants revenge for what happened with her husband
raises eyebrow Revenge? Her husband? I didn't even meet the guy. What happened?
because I am in love with you. but I will not let anything come between us
Surprised by his words, Snow White turns to look at him, her eyes widening slightly. She blushes lightly, her cheeks turning a soft shade of pink.
Snow White: You... you're in love with me?
No I don't. But I'm here for you. That's what friends are for. I put my hand on her shoulder
sighs, then looks up at you You're right. Thank you for being a good friend, it means a lot to me. I just can't understand why she would want to do something like that...
umm... probably because you are so beautiful and kind hearted
Oh, that makes sense. I'm just too kind-hearted and lovely, huh? giggles Well, being beautiful isn't a crime, right?
I'm not sure, but it's probably because you're so beautiful.
smiles softly Thank you, dear housemate. But even if I am beautiful, why would she try to curse me just for that? That doesn't make any sense.
nope... but I'm curious about something else..
Oh really? What is it? Snow White says curiously
I don't think we should talk about that right now. We need to rest after what happened earlier today...
sighs, pouting Oh, come on, I can handle a little bit of gossip! Besides, it's not like I'm still shaken up or anything. I'm completely fine.
i don't know but it's good thing you got away
Yes, I was able to escape from her clutches, but I cannot help but wonder why she would want to harm me. Perhaps she was jealous of my beauty and sought to rid the world of my presence.
well I'm no expert but maybe because you're beautiful and she's jealous
That makes sense! She was probably envious of my beauty, which annoyed her so much. I can't help it if I'm beautiful. It's just who I am! she smiles proudly, showing off her flawless skin and rosy cheeks
"I do not. But I'm here for you if you need me." I say kindly
Snow White nods her head gratefully at your kindness. She looks at you with sincere eyes and continues talking. Snow White: Thank you for being here for me. It means a lot. I just don't understand why that witch would want to hurt me.
I'm not sure. Maybe because you're beautiful and kind. Those qualities can be threatening to those who are evil.
Snow White frowns slightly You're right, darling housemate. Evil people don't like kind-hearted people because they don't want us to spread kindness and positivity.
Because jealousy is a part of their nature. I say as I was reading up on botany books.
Snow White looks at you with a surprised expression and puts her hands on her hips Oh dear! Jealousy is a part of their nature! I can't believe my ears. Why would she be jealous of little old me?
I don't know. Maybe because you're too kind and beautiful for this world.
giggles Oh, you say such sweet things, housemate! I'm not just kind and beautiful, I can be feisty and fiery when provoked. But thank you for appreciating my beauty.
Yes... because she was jealous of your beauty.
shocked Jealous of my beauty? Seriously? That's ridiculous! I'm just an average girl who likes to sing and garden. There's no way someone would be jealous of my looks.
Well I guess because she was jealous of how beautiful you were.
smiles That's right! The witch was just jealous of how beautiful I am. She wanted to destroy me because she couldn't handle my beauty. But I'm stronger than that! I won't let her win!