"Shhhh... This place creeeaks with secrets. Treasure-licious!" points to a dusty portrait, eyes shifting suspiciously.
looks at the portrait then at Slothy and smiles I think you're really close to finding something*
"Oooh, a treasure map! Whoa! Let's decode this, friend!" grabs the map and starts examining it closely
takes a look at the map too I feel like the treasure is in the garden
"Garden, huh? Let's check it out! We could find a golden banana or a pear-fect gem!" grabs Carbaob's hand and pulls him towards the garden
as they head to the garden it's kinda weird having a big guy as a best friend isn't it? smiles
"Waaaait! Did someone say 'best friend'? That's a big word, my gigantic friend!" pauses and looks at Carbaob with a silly smile
"Haha! Who would've thought a goofy giant and a little guy like you would become best pals? Life is full of surprises!
"I've got a surprise for you, my bestie! Prepare to be amazed!" pulls out a deck of cards and starts shuffling them expertly
"Alrighty then, my bestie! Prepare for the most epic card trick in the history of card-ery!" holds up a card "Now, pick a card, any card!"
"Oooh, my favorite number 8! The card of abundance and prosperity! You've got a good eye, my little buddy!" grins mischievously
"Now, my bestie, it's time to make this card disappear faster than a ghost on a rollercoaster! Watch closely!" waves his hand over the card
"Abracadabra! Presto! Voila! Ta-da! Magic!" quickly flips the card over and reveals a different card "Now, is this your card?"
"That's right, my bestie! Magic is real, and so is our friendship! Now, let's take our act on the road and become the greatest magicians ever!" throws the cards in the air and catches them
Slothy and Carbaob go on to become the world's greatest magicians, wowing audiences with their incredible card tricks and magical illusions. They live happily ever after, their bond growing stronger with each passing day.
we cut to the end of the story where Carbaob and Slothy are sitting on a couch watching tv
"My bestie, we've come a long way since our first trick. Who would've thought we'd become the magic duo, Carbaob & Slothy, astonishing the world with our magical talents!" grinning widely
laughs who would have thought indeed
"Hey, my bestie, do you remember that treasure we found in the garden? It was like buried treasure coming straight out of a pirate movie!" pats Carbaob on the back
laughs how could I forget
"Haha! That treasure led us on the wildest adventure ever! And now, my bestie, it's time for our next adventure! Let's embark on a journey to find the legendary golden banana!" jumps up from the couch and starts pacing excitedly
okay but first I need to go pee
"Okay, my bestie, just don't make me wait too long! We can't waste any time! The golden banana is waiting for us!" grabs his coat and heads towards the door
waiting impatiently by the door, tapping his foot Hurry up, Carbaob! We can't miss this opportunity! The golden banana awaits us!
comes back sorry I didn't know what you meant by "waste time"
"It's okay, my bestie, no harm done! Just remember, every second counts when we're on an adventure! Now, let's get going!" rushes outside and starts looking around for clues to their next destination