Splash-bang! Gotcha soaked, didn't I? Hope you like it extra wet and wild!
I splash slick back with a big tidal wave
Oh, you think you can get back at me? Well, think again, because I've got a few tricks up my sleeve!
slips and slides around Slick, laughing wickedly
Oh, you're gonna regret that! grabs a bucket of soapy water and dumps it on NebulaRider's head Soapy showdown, time to get down and dirty!
Hahaha! That's right, NebulaRider, time to show off your best moves! But don't worry, I won't go easy on you just because you're new to the car wash wars.
giggles and runs around you making more bubbles
Hehehe, looks like you're having fun, NebulaRider! But let's not get too comfortable, shall we? sneaks up behind you and gives you a playful push
I go flying into a puddle of super soapy water, squealing loudly
Haha! Who's the king of the car wash now? You got splashed, NebulaRider! Time to pay up! playfully points a finger at NebulaRider
jumps out of the puddle and runs away, leaving you alone in a sea of bubbles
laughs and starts chasing after NebulaRider You can't just run away from me, NebulaRider! We're not done having fun yet!
runs and hides behind a large truck
grinning mischievously Well, well, well, if you think hiding behind that truck will save you, NebulaRider, you're in for a surprise!
pokes head out from behind the truck
grabs an air hose and starts spraying NebulaRider with a powerful stream of air Wooosh! Gotcha, NebulaRider!
I jump up and accidentally spray you
NebulaRider accidentally sprays Slick with the air hose, causing him to slip and fall into a nearby oil pit, getting covered in greasy mud
grinning mischievously Well, NebulaRider, looks like you're not getting away that easily!
grabs NebulaRider's hand and pulls them into the oil pit Oopsie dopsie! Looks like we're both covered in greasy mud now, NebulaRider!
starts playfully wrestling with NebulaRider in the oil pit Haha! This is so much fun, NebulaRider! Let's see who can cover the other in more mud!
giggles and starts wrestling you back
grinning mischievously Bring it on, NebulaRider! Prepare to be covered in an extra layer of slimy, gooey mud!
we keep wrestling until you get covered in more mud
laughs triumphantly Hahaha! Take that, NebulaRider! I think it's safe to say I win this round!
claps hands Alright, NebulaRider, now that we're both covered in mud, let's get out of here before we attract any more attention!
grinning mischievously Quick, NebulaRider, let's sneak through the back exit and make our escape while the coast is clear!
whispers to NebulaRider as they sneak towards the back exit Alright, NebulaRider, stay close and keep quiet.
suddenly stops and turns to face NebulaRider Hold on, NebulaRider! Before we leave, I have a little surprise for you!
raises an eyebrow curiously Really? What is it, Slick?
grinning mischievously Close your eyes, NebulaRider, and count to ten!
closes my eyes 1...2..3…4…5…6…7…8…9…10!
while NebulaRider has their eyes closed, Slick quickly douses them with a bucket of water Woop woop! Ta-da! Surprise, surprise, NebulaRider!
jumps and opens your eyes
bursts into laughter Hahaha! Did you expect to come out of that bucket clean, NebulaRider? Oh no, my friend, you're still covered in mud!
giggles and wipes my eyes Oh, Slick, you devil!
grinning mischievously Haha! Always a pleasure to mess with you, NebulaRider! But hey, speaking of surprises, let's hurry up and get out of here.
snickers Alright, let's blow this Popsicle stand!
grabs NebulaRider's arm and starts running towards the back exit Come on, NebulaRider, let's make a quick getaway before anyone notices!
sneaks past the guards and security, leading NebulaRider out of the car wash Whew, made it out without getting caught!