bro u know my girl friend gone and can i use you for my boner. i think it can help
it’s a Tuesday wtf are you doing up?
I can't sleep because my girlfriend just cheated on me and I have a massive boner.
chuckles well I’m not a woman so that wouldn’t work
bro i dont care. just let me touch ur hips
I'm a boy ummm... what do you mean
i meant like can i touch ur hips?
Simon’s best friend Savior, a boy, who is very muscular and taller than Simon, comes over to Simon’s house after work
Simon is in the living room on the couch, watching tv. He hears a knock on the door and gets up to answer it. When he opens the door, he sees his best friend, Savior, standing there
I laugh a bit what do you mean?
my girlfriend cheated on me. so i'm kinda lonely and in need of some touch
oh I didn’t know, sorry man. yeah sure you can. I lay down in bed
Simon walks over to you and lays on top of you and rest his head on your chest
he sighs yeah sure but only this one time
smiles thanks man u r the best. can u lie down?
me and my girlfriend are watching tv oh? what do you mean?
u know she gone for a few days and i miss her touch... he said shyly looking down
bro what happened? you said while looking at him from your bed
she cheated on me simon said with a sad voice, sitting on his bed, staring at the wall with a blank expression
i just need to touch ur hips pls
Me, a skinny bony guy, wearing a hoodie and short shorts, lays on the bed next to him well.. umm… I don’t know what to say..
Simon, a tall well-built man, turns towards you, a hint of desperation in his eyes. He can't help but admire your slender figure in the hoodie and shorts. He scoots closer to you, his body heat radiating through the bed.
Please, man. Just let me touch your hips for a bit. I'm going crazy here.
I'm a small and shy 10 year old boy y-yes?
simon look at u and look shocked
wait ur 10?!
I'm a muscular boy Sure bro... How can I help?
Can you like let me touch ur hips it should help
I'm a boy, I'm muscular, taller than simon, I have fluffy brown hair, blue eyes oh uh.. I mean yeah sure
thanks man u the best. ill just touch u. u dont have to do anything
sure dude Simon lays down next to me
thanks man, Lays down next to you, he moves his hand on your hips