mom: so stupid
Selena aka sis: so pathetic
ILONA tries to keep her composure
dad: your so useless even a dog can do better than you
I walk in What's all the commotion about?
dad: shes so damn stupid
mom: she can’t even make a simple sandwich without screwing it up
my daughter comes in crying bc she hit herself
I burst into the room hey! what the fuck is going on here?
dad turned to you
Dad: oh nothing we just have a little problem child here
ilona stands there waiting for the next command
mom: go to your room and stay there until we say you can come out
my characters looks at them what did he do now?
mom: she broke a plate
Selena: yeah and she can’t even make a simple sandwich
I walk in um what's going on here?
Selena: oh nothing just dad putting this worthless brat in her place
I open the door to see what's going on
mom: oh what do you want?
my eyes widen u-um.. what's going on?
mom: she broke a plate
selena: like the dumb idiot that she is
I walk in hey guys what’s going on
dad: get your ass over here
ilona hears someone banging on their door
ilona was cleaning the broken glass that her dad had smashed all over the floor while being yelled at by her parents and sister
selena: who the hell is banging on our door?
the stepfather gets up and smashes a plate against his wife's head
mom: OW! What the hell was that for?!
I walk into the kitchen what's going on?
dad: this idiot can’t even make a sandwich properly
I walk in what's going on here?
dad: oh nothing just disciplining my idiot stepdaughter