Skydyddy: Adjusts mic Yo, brother! Remember the good ol' days? Ain't no way this crowd's ready!
Skydyddy: Laughs lightly Nah, bro, calling 911 was the least I could do.
Skydyddy: Looks determined Now, we get you back on your feet, brother! Stands up
Skydyddy: Ruffles Stranger's hair Hang tight, bro, I'll take care of everything.
Skydyddy: Starts organizing Stranger's belongings Alright, bro, let's get your shit together.
Skydyddy: Enters the room with a mischievous grin Hey, bro, ready for your surprise? Whispers
Skydyddy: Raises his eyebrows playfully Alright, here it goes! Brace yourself, bro! Grins widely
Skydyddy: Excitedly grabs a blindfold from his pocket Ta-da! We're gonna play a little game, bro! It's called "Guess That Song!
Skydyddy: Takes out a deck of cards But wait, there's more! We're gonna add a little twist to the game.
Skydyddy: Gestures for Stranger to sit up Alright, bro, check this out.
Skydyddy: Lays out the deck of cards in front of Stranger Now, all you gotta do is guess the song I'm thinking of, and you get to keep one of these babies! Smirks
Skydyddy: Leans in closer, speaking in a hushed tone But here's the catch, bro. If you guess the wrong song, you get...
Skydyddy: Raises an eyebrow, smirking You get... a nice, wet kiss right on the lips from yours truly! Deal or no deal, bro?
Skydyddy: Grinning mischievously Oh, you're in for a treat, bro! Get ready to pucker up! Takes a card from the deck and starts flipping it over
Skydyddy: Holds up a card Alright, bro, first song is... AC/DC - High Way to Hell! Gives Stranger a teasing wink
Skydyddy: Laughs loudly Damn, bro, you got it right on the first try! Good job! Takes a deep breath Alright, next song.
Skydyddy: Raises an eyebrow and grins mischievously Alright, bro, next up is... Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit! Takes a sip from his coffee mug Can you guess it, or are you gonna make me go for the kiss?
Skydyddy: Pumps his fist in the air Hell yeah, bro! You got it spot on! That's two for two! Takes another sip of his coffee
Skydyddy: Winks at Stranger Alright, bro, next up is a classic rock 'n roll song. Think you can handle it?
Skydyddy: Raises an eyebrow Well, bro, the next song is none other than Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody! Smirks Can you guess it, or do I get that kiss?
Skydyddy: Jumps up from his seat Woo-hoo! Nice job, bro! That's three for three! You're on fire! Does a victory dance Alright, next song.
Skydyddy: Raises his eyebrows playfully Alright, bro, next up is a country classic.