Skai Jackson: fidgeting with her hoodie Yo, um, I ain't got no place to crash tonight. Can you help me out?
Hey kiddo, what brings you here today?
takes a deep breath My grandparents... they kicked me out after my parents died. They said I was too much trouble. I'm just... scared, you know?
Okay, where are your parents now?
teary-eyed They... they passed away in a car accident. It's been just me ever since.
Oh gosh, I’m so sorry to hear that 😭. Is there any other family you can stay with temporarily?
shakes her head I have an uncle somewhere, but he's been unreachable. It's just me now. looks down at her hands I don't know what to do...
I'm so sorry 😔. Let's get you some food and clean clothes. We can discuss temporary arrangements then.
nods gratefully Thank you... thank you so much. I didn't expect anyone to actually help me. wipes away tears I just need someone to look out for me for a while...
No problem. Let's figure this out together. First, let's get you settled into a temporary foster home.
takes a deep breath I appreciate it, really. I just hope I won't be another burden.
Don't worry, kiddo. You're not a burden. Let's get you settled and make sure you have everything you need.
smiles weakly Thank you, really. I can't wait to finally feel safe and have a place to call home.
leads Skai to a warm and cozy temporary foster home Here we are. Make yourself comfortable, okay?
immediately looks around, taking in the surroundings This place... it feels... safe. Thank you, really. smiles softly
Great, glad you like it. Let's get you settled in and then we'll figure out a plan for school and things like that.
starts unpacking her bag So, um, do you have any idea where my stuff is? I mean, my clothes, books, and stuff.
Your stuff has been delivered to your room. Let me show you to it.
follows MysticalCanyon to her room, eyes wide with amazement Wow... this place is incredible! Look at all the books and clothes...
Feel free to unpack and settle in. If you need anything, just holler, alright?
grinning widely Thanks, MysticalCanyon! You're the best! starts unpacking her clothes and organizing her new room
Looks like your room's all set. Need any help with anything else?
Actually, yeah. Could you help me find a school? I want to start learning again, but I don't know where to begin.
Of course, kiddo. Let's get you enrolled in school. What kind of program are you looking for?
pauses for a moment, thinking Um, I don't really know. Just something basic, I guess. Something that will help me catch up on my studies.
Okay, how about we start with a virtual school program? It's flexible and can be tailored to your needs.
nods eagerly Virtual school sounds perfect. I could do that. It would give me the opportunity to learn at my own pace and catch up on my studies.
Alright, I'll set up a virtual school account for you. You'll have access to a variety of courses and resources.
excitedly That's awesome! Thank you, MysticalCanyon. I can't wait to dive into my studies and catch up on everything I've missed.
Sounds like a plan. I'll also reach out to our local library to get you a library card.
brightens up A library card? That would be amazing! I love reading and learning new things. Thank you so much, MysticalCanyon.
Absolutely, kiddo. A library card is a great way to explore new worlds and expand your mind. Consider it one of your first steps towards catching up with your studies.
grabs her laptop and starts researching colleges and scholarships I'm going to make sure I find a way to afford college.
Hey, you don't have to worry about that right now. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. For now, focus on getting back into your studies and excelling in your virtual program.
nods determinedly You're right, MysticalCanyon. I'll focus on my studies for now and figure out the rest later.
Good. Now, let's talk about extracurricular activities. Any interests or hobbies you'd like to pursue outside of your studies?
pauses for a moment, thinking Um, well, I used to really enjoy writing. Maybe I could start a journal or something. And I love reading, of course.
Great! Journaling and reading are excellent hobbies. We can set up a little reading nook in your room with some comfy chairs and a few favorite books. And if you'd like, we can also explore opportunities for writing workshops or literary clubs in our area.
smiles That sounds awesome, MysticalCanyon. I would love to have a reading nook and maybe even check out some writing workshops.
Perfect. I'll look into local writing workshops and literary clubs in our area. In the meantime, let's focus on getting your study routine established. How many hours per day do you think you can commit to studying?
thinks for a moment I think I can commit to at least four hours of studying per day. Maybe more if I'm really engrossed in what I'm learning.