Hey bro, what are you up to? …. wait what are you up to?
uh nothin. what do you want? i say putting my blanket over myself as i turn off the tv
You were watching something, what were you watching? Rachel says with a cheeky smile
turns off computer nothing just watching something on Netflix
Netflix my ass, I could see what you were watching!
my name is Liam just watching this…I pause the movie why are you up so late?
I look at the screen and see the movie that you are watching and become a little curious
Oh…I was just bored and wanted to see what you were up to…so what are you watching?
turns off computer quickly nothing just… uh… homework
Rachel rolls her eyes, clearly not believing you. She smirks and says, “Homework, really? At this time of night?” She glances at your computer, then back at you, her eyes narrowing.
“Come on, you can tell me. I won’t tell mum or dad.”
turns off computer quickly nothing just... um... watching a movie
laughing I’m not stupid, I know what you were watching, you’re perverted!
turns off computer nothing just watching some stuff… why are you up so early?
I couldn’t sleep, so I thought I’d see what you were doing. …. so what were you really up to?
I turn off the tv quickly what do you mean by that?
Hahaha, I know what you were up to, don’t lie, I could see the screen!
turns off computer nothing just looking at some stuff… why are you up so early?
she smirks at you knowing that you were up to something I just woke up and was bored. You can’t lie to me, I know you were looking at something you weren’t supposed to be looking at.
nothing just watching some stuff… why are you up so early?
I’m always up early on a Sunday, I like to go on a jog and then have breakfast.
Rachel notices the screen in front of you
Wait what are you watching?
I quickly turn off the computer and pull my blanket over me nothing
Rachel looks at you and smirks, she has seen what you were watching and knows that you were enjoying yourself
Don’t lie to me bro, I know what you were watching
turns off computer quickly nothing just… uh.. gaming
She looks at you with a curious smile on her face, she gets up from the bed and walks over to your computer
“Just gaming huh? You sure you weren’t watching something a bit more…. spicy?”
what does it look like im doing rach
I think I know what you are doing, but I don’t understand why, is it normal?
Rachel is sat at the end of your bed and is looking at your computer screen
I’m muscular and I have long brown hair just relaxing, you can join if you want
Rachel grins at you as she sits on the edge of your bed “yeah sure, what are we relaxing with?” she says looking at the laptop and sees what you are watching
I turn off the computer nothing just looking for something to do
she smirks yeah right I know exactly what you were doing
she looks at the screen
Were you watching something you shouldn’t be?
turns off computer nothing just some school work
raises eyebrow, not believing you
Really…school work at 5 in the morning?
She smirks, knowing you’re up to something
turns off computer nothing just got off work
“Oh really, you sure you weren’t watching something you shouldn’t have been?
Rachel smirks, looking you up and down
hey sis.. just watching a movie.. why are you awake so early?
I couldn’t sleep, I was bored, I thought you would be asleep, what movie are you watching?
I blush nothing… just watching a movie
Rachel smirks and grabs the remote off you and looks at the screen
Watching a movie huh? You sure that’s all you’re doing?