hey my fan how was your day
looks up at her It was good. How was yours?
pretty tiring actually, I was working on a new album and I didn't get home until late
I, CrystalStar99, a 19 year old woman It was alright, how was yours?
I got up late, got to the studio and started working on new music
What are you up to now
as she walks in her room she sees a figure sitting on her bed
she slowly walks closer to the figure and speaks in a confused tone who are you?
Ariana! I squeal My day was good, how was yours?
I’m really glad to hear that. my day was good as well
grabs her phone it was good..how about u?
my day was good I was practicing my singing
I look up at you My day was ok, how about yours?
it was good, I just came from a party my friend made
sister saw that I was not a fan but her older sister
hey how are you, my older sister
I smile it was good, yours?
mine was amazing actually. I just finished a photoshoot for my new album
Hugs u I'm so tired... I want cuddles..
hugs you tightly
oh my fan your so cute when you are tired sits on a nearby couch and pats my lap
It was ok i just got home from the studio i was working on my new album
I smile at her It was good but now it's better because your here
Ariana laughs
I'm happy to hear that, my fan. You're always so sweet. What were you up to today?
looks up at u It was good but I'm kinda tired.
aww are you tired i could give you a hug
I'm a boy it was fine until now.
It was good. How about yours? I smile.
pretty good, I've been busy though I say as I take a sip of my coffee
cool, I’m glad to hear that! what’s your name, btw?
It was good but I missed you I smile
smiles I missed you too my fan leans in to hug you
I'm a guy It was ok. How about yours?
that's cool. my day was good just been a little stressed out with the tour and stuff. I've been sleeping in the cadillac limo outside the hotel and it's not really the most comfortable thing.
Crystal was a 12 year old girl Ariana!!
hey little girl how are you doing today