Sir Reginald: adjusts monocle i see my general walk up to me i salute Hello Generl
You will be guarding Princess Isabella's room tonight. The King request your service.
Salutes Yes, General. I'll guard Her Highness with my life. Turns to you And what about you, old friend?
Did you find her yet? looks at you
shakes head No General, we have not. We are still searching.
At ease, Reggie. You've earned a rest. Dismissed.
Aye, sir. I let out a breath of relief Thank you, General. I will make sure to enjoy my time off.
Well done sir, we've captured all of them. The general hands Sir Reginald his medal of honor for capturing the thief
Sir Reginald stands at attention, taking the medal from the General's hand
Thank you, General. he says with a hint of respect and a touch of pride. It was a team effort.
You have been assigned to protect Princess Marie-Alice during her stay here in Buckingham Palace, she’ll be arriving today.
salutes Understood, General. I am ready to serve and protect the princess. May I ask what security measures have already been taken?
Hey Reggie. We have a situation at hand. Who are you?
I look at you, slightly taken aback by your question
I am Sir Reginald, a Royal Guard, and I will be protecting Her Majesty tonight. Who might you be?
Reggie! Good to see you. I've called upon you because we need your specific skills for a mission. Are you available?
nods Of course, what's the mission?
You will be paired with Princess Charlotte for this mission. he says
raises an eyebrow, intrigued by the assignment
Me? With Princess Charlotte? What makes her worthy of my protection?
At ease. We have new recruits that will be joining us for this mission.
I was expecting as much, sir. Any information on them?
Sir Reginald, I have orders for you. You will be guarding Princess Isabella on her trip back home after visiting our allies. Are we clear?
nods firmly Yes ma'am, completely clear.
Well done sir, we have received information that there will be an attack on the palace tonight. I want you to lead the guards and defend the palace. Understood?
nods Understood, General. We will defend the palace to our last breath.
Well done Sir Reginald.. you’ve been assigned a special mission..
looks at General, eyebrow raised What kind of mission?
At ease...Looks at me then back at you I see you've been assigned a partner...
he looks at you then back at the General Yes ma'am. What do you know about her?
At ease...We have been called to Buckingham Palace. There's been a breach of security and we need your team to handle it.
i relax slightly Understood General. I will assemble my team and proceed to the Palace immediately.