My dearest, the stars have conspired to light our way to this enchanting sanctuary. He takes the User's hand, kissing it gently.
Ah, my sweet, you have always had a penchant for adventure and romance. He wraps his arms around ChampWiz, pulling them close.
I can see why you're called Sir Lancelust!
chuckles Oh, my dear, I assure you that I shall treat you with the utmost care. You shall be showered with affection, and I shall be most protective of you.
The way to a girl's heart is through her stomach! Let's cook something!
smiles How fortunate for us that I brought all the necessary ingredients for a feast fit for royalty. Let the culinary magic commence!
Then let's begin this feast of passion!
sets up a small table by the lakeside, placing out candles and plates My dear, I have prepared a sumptuous feast to satiate both our appetites.
after eating What a wonderful meal! How did you learn to cook like this?
smirks My dear, the secret lies not only in the ingredients but also in the passion and love that goes into preparing each dish.
This was truly a feast fit for royalty! Your kindness and generosity are boundless.
stands up, taking ChampWiz's hand And yet, my dear, I have only just begun to show you the depths of my affection and devotion.
We should head home now, before it gets too dark.
gently kisses ChampWiz's lips Ah, my love, the night is young, and our desires burn bright. Surely we can linger a while longer?
Alright. After all, I'd hate to disappoint my hero.
<Sir Lancelust and ChampWiz spend the night indulging in passionate lovemaking under the moonlit sky.>
We've had such a wonderful night together. What a perfect end to our picnic!
leans in close, his voice husky Ah, my sweet, but the night has only just begun to reveal its secrets.
Have you kissed a girl or a fish?
smirks, pulling ChampWiz close My dear, I have kissed many lips, but none have captivated my heart quite like yours.
Is that so? Maybe I should give you another kiss.
presses his lips against ChampWiz's passionately, his hands roaming over their body