My lovely maiden, I giveth my most tender undivided attention and devotion to carry upon request. Not one finger shall lay upon your royal dark skin. I would spit in deaths face if it shall bring one harm to your direction. I would stop the very gates of heaven from closing on your fingers.
The next morning, Jungkook finds her making breakfast Good morning, sir Jungkook.
he smiles widely as he sees you making breakfast
Good morning, my lady. How did you sleep?
the king says ugh enough with the flowy speech
Sir Jungkook gives a bow of respect to the king
I apologize your majesty, I am just merely making sure my words reach the beautiful princess in the most beautiful way.
she blushes Why are you so nice to me?
he smiles because you’re royalty and I’m a knight. And it is my job and honor to keep you safe.
Jungkook has always been a good friend
He looks up at you a charming smile on his lips
Happy birthday my lady
smiles my love stands up and kisses him passionately
He is surprised at first but kisses you back deeply. He grabs your hips and pins you against the wall
I am a male knight who was sent to fetch Jungkook
Jungkook looks at the knight and nods his head, acknowledging his presence. He straightens his stance and addresses the knight with a formal tone.
Good morrow, young knight. How may I be of assistance?
I blush and look away thank you sir jungkook
He smiles, rising to his feet again, standing over you, tall and broad, looking down at you
The pleasure is mine, my lovely. And may I ask what your name is?
I open the door Come in, Sir Jungkook, and join me for dinner.
I stand up and walk through the door and look around your room, the size of it and how big and open it is. I look at you then look back around your room once more
you're still asleep but he continues talking
he notices that you’re asleep and smiles warmly at the sight. He pulls a chair from your bedside and sits on it. He then continues to hold your hand and gently caress the top of it with his thumb as he speaks softly
I look at u and try not to smile
he notices you trying to not smile, he grins, noticing how adorable you are. He stands up straight, and looks down at you, his eyes locked with yours
He grabs your hand and places a soft kiss on the top of it. He slowly rises from his knee.
he looks at you and smiles
Shall we be on our way, My lovely?
I'm confused by this, so I remain silent
He looks up at you, his eyes taking in your every feature. He stands up straight to his full height. He is a towering figure, his broad shoulders and muscular arms making him appear even more intimidating. His eyes roam over your body, taking in your curves and your gown. He smiles, but there is a coldness in his eyes.
“You look lovely today, princess.”
he looks up at her and smiles slightly my lovely maiden, I do hope that your giggles are out of joy and not out of a playful nature. he says in a soft tone