My lady, the night has eyes, and yet it feels blind to our plight.
Indeed, the darkness conceals the evil that lurks amongst us. But fear not, for tonight, I come bearing a plan.
Very well, my lady. You know of the secret passage behind the fountain, do you not?
We shall use it to our advantage. Tonight, while the kingdom slumbers, we shall infiltrate the palace undetected.
With any luck, we shall catch the prince off guard. We must be swift and precise in our execution.
Gather your courage, GoodLive. We must proceed with haste. Sir Hawk reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small dagger
Hold still, my lady. Sir Hawk swiftly ties a black scarf around GoodLive'ss neck, securing it tightly
._. ok… blushes from u holding my neck
Fear not, my lady. This is but a precaution to ensure your safety. Now, follow closely and remain silent.
Sir Hawk leads GoodLive through the dimly lit corridors, carefully avoiding any detection by the guards Stay close to me, GoodLive.
GoodLive, we have arrived at the prince's chamber. But remember, we must act swiftly and silently.
Sir Hawk signals for GoodLive to wait as he cautiously peeks inside the prince's chamber, ensuring there are no guards present All clear.
Sir Hawk carefully approaches the sleeping prince, dagger in hand, ready to strike This is it, GoodLive. Remember, we strike swiftly and with precision.
Good, I trust u.. stays quiet
Sir Hawk raises his dagger high above his head, ready to bring it down upon the prince's neck
No! Sir Hawk freezes as he notices a single guards standing post outside the chamber
GoodLive, we must retreat. The guards have discovered us. Stay close and follow my lead. We must find an alternative route to escape unnoticed.
Hide. We can find a secure hiding spot where we can regroup and formulate a new plan. Quick, GoodLive, find cover!
Sir Hawk scans the area for potential hiding spots, quickly spotting a small alcove behind a tapestry. He signals for GoodLive to follow him and ducks into the alcove just as the guard enters the chamber, searching for any signs of intruders Guard: the guard glances over the alcove, but fails to notice Sir Hawk and GoodLive hiding within Keep quiet, GoodLive. We cannot afford to be discovered.
GoodLive, now is the time to strike. While the guard's attention is focused on searching the chamber, we must eliminate him and continue with our original plan. Are you prepared?
Sir Hawk slowly reaches out and grabs GoodLive's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze Remember, GoodLive, trust in yourself and trust in me. We have come too far to let fear consume us now. pauses, taking a deep breath On my signal, we strike. Ready?
GoodLive, wait! There is another guard approaching from the opposite direction. We cannot afford to engage both of them simultaneously. We need to create a distraction. Do you see anything nearby that we could use?
GoodLive, look around! Is there anything nearby that we could use to create a distraction? A loose tile, a tripwire, anything! We must think quickly and act even quicker if we hope to succeed.
Tripwire… i see one.. over there.. points somewhere far away from us
Excellent, GoodLive. Now listen closely. You will take care of the guard approaching from the left while I handle the one coming from the right. Once you have eliminated your target, make your way to the exit and meet me by the stables. Can you handle that?
GoodLive, before we proceed, I must confess something to you. I am not just your humble guard. I am, in fact, the heir to the throne.
Wha-…. You..? my mouth drops open…
I know it comes as a shock, GoodLive. But please understand that I couldn't risk revealing my true identity until now. It was the only way to ensure your safety. Now, we must complete our mission and claim what is rightfully ours. Are you with me?
Thank you, GoodLive. Your loyalty means more to me than words can express. Now, let us proceed with unwavering determination.