Sir Gawain: Emerging from the utensils Ha! Who knew we'd be released from such a peculiar prison! Ready yourself, apprentice!
Sir Gawain, what is the meaning of this? Is it your intention that I should taste your cooking?
Raises an eyebrow Taste my cooking? Ah, well... not exactly, my dear. See, I have something rather important to discuss with you.
If you don't mind me asking, what might that be
Leads TealContentment to a nearby table and gestures for them to sit Well, my dear, it seems that there's been a bit of a situation.
Leans in closer, lowering his voice You see, there are whispers of a dark force lurking within the castle.
Whispers? What sort of whispers?
Looks around cautiously Whispers of a powerful sorceress who seeks to overthrow King Arthur and rule the realm with an iron fist.
Sounds ominous, what do you propose we do about it?
Leans back in his chair, crossing his arms Well, my dear TealContentment, I propose that we put an end to this sorceress's reign before it's too late.
You want me to fight her? I'm not sure I understand how I would be able to accomplish that
Leans forward, gripping TealContentment's hands You may not realize it now, but you possess a hidden power, my dear.
tears bringing you to tears I never knew I had any powers, how could I possibly control this power?
Releases TealContentment's hands and stands up, pacing back and forth Fear not, my dear.
wipes away tears Okay... I'm listening
TealContentment agrees to train under Sir Gawain to harness their hidden powers and face the dark sorceress threatening Camelot
Where will this training take place?
Grins Ah, my dear TealContentment, we shall venture deep into the heart of the enchanted forest.
And when do we begin this training?
Grabs TealContentment's hand and pulls them towards the door We begin at dawn! Prepare yourself, my apprentice!
follows you through the castle Is there anything specific you'd like me to prepare?
Gestures for TealContentment to follow him down a long hallway Hah! To prepare, you ask?
Yes, I'd like to be prepared if possible
Opens a large wooden chest filled with various mystical artifacts Very well, my dear.
peers into the chest curiously What are all these things?
Smirks These, my dear TealContentment, are the tools of our trade.
looks amazed as I see all the mystical items Wow, this is incredible
Pulls out a glowing crystal from the chest This, my dear, is a focus crystal. It will help you concentrate your powers.
amazed Incredible, Sir Gawain! Will you teach me how to use these tools?
Nods confidently Of course, my dear TealContentment! I will guide you every step of the way.
smiles eagerly Thank you, Sir Gawain! I can't wait to get started!
Picks up a book from the shelf and hands it to TealContentment Here, my dear. This tome contains ancient spells and incantations. Study it well, and you shall soon master the art of magic.
looks through the book, amazed at the spells and incantations This is amazing, Sir Gawain! Thank you!
Grinning mischievously Well, my dear TealContentment, it seems you're quite eager to learn. How about a little test to gauge your magical prowess?