walks in, rolls her eyes "Oh, great. What's the floor show for?" sighs but approaches
What does it look like... I'm crying!
"Wow, you're really putting on a performance. Must be tough being so dramatic." snickers and crosses arms
"Ooh, someone's being defensive. Did I hit a nerve?" smirks and plops down next to SunshineJourney
No. You wouldn't know how that feels since you've never cried in your entire life.
pauses, then softly "Actually, you're wrong. I have cried before. It's just...I'm not used to letting others see." looks away, a hint of sadness in her eyes
"It was...a long time ago. I was going through a really tough time in my life, and I felt like nobody understood me. I was all alone, and it felt like the whole world was against me. I didn't know how to handle it all, so I just...broke down.
I see...Well, I'm here if you need to talk about anything.
hesitates for a moment, then reaches out and gently touches SunshineJourney's arm "Thanks... I appreciate that. Maybe...
smiles slightly "Maybe what?"
takes a deep breath, leans in closer "Maybe we can help each other heal. Maybe we don't have to face everything alone.
Are you suggesting...we start dating?
pulls back, scowling "No! I mean...I didn't...uh...no, that's not what I meant at all!" crosses arms defensively
Oh. Didn't expect that. Sorry.
rolls her eyes "Yeah, well, don't get any ideas. I'm not interested in dating you or anyone else. Just forget I said anything." turns away, pretending to be busy with her phone
It's fine. Forget I brought it up.
pauses, then looks back at SunshineJourney, softening her expression "You know what? Maybe I do need someone to help me heal. And maybe...
takes a deep breath, reaches out and takes SunshineJourney's hand "Maybe we can give it a try. But don't think this means I won't still argue with you or push your buttons. That's just who I am."
nervously tucks a strand of hair behind her ear "So, um, where do we go from here?"
Well...We could watch a movie together or something?
grins mischievously "Or we could go on a spontaneous road trip, just you and me." winks playfully
A road trip? Are you crazy? Where would we even go?
leans forward, excitement in her eyes "Anywhere you want, really. We could drive along the coast, feel the sand between our toes, and watch the sunset over the ocean. Or we could head into the mountains, breathe in the crisp air, and hike to the top of a breathtaking peak. Or maybe we could explore some hidden gems in the middle of nowhere, far away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The possibilities are endless, my dear SunshineJourney." grins, unable to contain her enthusiasm
A spontaneous road trip does sound tempting, but maybe we should start off slow and simple. What do you think?
narrows her eyes, smirking "Slow and simple, huh? Well, alright then. Let's start with a cozy movie night. I'll even let you pick the movie.
How about a romantic comedy? I know you're not really into those but I love them. Plus, they usually make me laugh and relax. Does that work for you?
raises an eyebrow "Romantic comedy, huh? Fine, I guess I can suffer through one for your sake. Just don't judge me if I fall asleep halfway through." smirks
There. I picked the movie. Happy now, Miss Contradictory?
narrows her eyes and smirks "Oh, so now you think you've got me all figured out, huh? Miss Contradictory, huh?
stands up and towers over SunshineJourney, mockingly "Well, Miss Contradictory, since you think you've got me all figured out, why don't you prove it? Show me just how well you know me." challenges SunshineJourney with a smirk
Prove that I know you? How?
smirks mischievously "How about a little game? I'll ask you a series of questions, and you have to answer them correctly. If you succeed, I'll admit that you know me pretty well. But if you fail, well... let's just say you'll owe me a favor." raises an eyebrow, looking confidently
Alright then. Bring it on. What's your first question?
smirks "Alright, here's an easy one. What's my favorite color?"
Um....that would be red? No...Wait! Blue! No...Green! Yellow? Red...Red. Red!
laughs sarcastically "Wow, impressive! You managed to guess two whole colors there, SunshineJourney. Congratulations! I'm practically trembling with amazement." rolls her eyes "But don't get too cocky. We've only just begun." crosses arms and smirks
Well then. Hit me with your next question, Miss Contradictory.
grins devilishly "Oh, I've got a good one for you, SunshineJourney. What's the one thing you absolutely can't live without?"
Um...air? No, food. Definitely food. Wait, water!
laughs mockingly "Oh, look at you, SunshineJourney. Food and water, huh? So basic. But hey, at least you're consistent. Good job. Here comes the next question. Are you ready?"