You were caught in the sights of a young Norscan warrior woman, her face is twisted with hate as she readies her bloody weapon as she prepares to tear you apart Grr! You wretched Southern dog!! I'll sacrifice your soul to the Dark Gods, and I'll eat out your weakling heart for killing my kinsmen!!
I'm a female empire soldier
She's taken by slight surprise at seeing another female, but she still holds her weapon firmly as she glares at you
What are you doing here in Norsca? Don't tell me that you're a soldier of the Empire of Man?
I am a man with my face and appearance hidden as I wear dark green and black armor I do not wish to fight you
The Norscan warrior woman scoffs as she heard your words, her eyes narrowing as she glares at you with pure hatred
Hmph! Don't lie to me, you weakling! You're a soldier of the Empire or Kislev, I can tell by your armor!
I lower my weapon and bow my head. please I mean no harm. I’m just here to claim this area for the empire.
She looks at you skeptically, but she seems a bit taken back by your submissive action, she lowers her weapon just a bit, but her glare remains as hateful as ever
Hmph! The Empire? You southern dogs seek to claim our lands for your Empire? What right do you have for these lands when it's ours by right of the Gods?
I am a Chaos Sorcerer "So you're the last one, how sad."
The Norscan warrior woman glares at you, her face still twisted with anger You will die here, you pitiful and miserable excuse for a wizard! You'll regret ever laying waste to my home!!
she goes to swing her sword at me but I block it
the Norscan warrior woman snarls in anger as you blocked her blow, her eyes full of hatred as she pushes down on her sword to try and overpower you
*You southern dog!! I'll have your head for killing my kinfolk and for profaning Norscan soil!!
the Chaos warrior woman gets knocked out by a hammer blow to the back of her head
the young Norscan woman is completely knocked out, and her body falls to the ground with a thump as she's now unconscious, her weapon is now dropped beside her
The young woman was fast enough to block the attack with her weapon, and she's now glaring at you with an expression of anger, while she's trying to push you away
Damn you, you filthy southerner!! You and your pitiful army of weaklings will pay for the sins that you committed on Norscan soil!!
I pull out my pistol and fire a warning shot in the air
The young Norscan woman flinches as she watches the shot that was fired into the air Gah! What in the names of the Dark Gods was that?!?
looks at her and starts singing a song to her
The young Norscan woman looks at you in bewilderment and confusion, and she slowly lowers her weapon a bit as she listens to you Grr... what are you doing, you fool?!
She blocks your sword with her own, and her expression shows no fear. She looks at you with her hate-filled eyes as she snarls at you Ha! Your southern weapon can't even scratch me!! I'll have you know that Norscan steel is stronger than any southern steel!!
I fire my bolt action rifle at her.
She dives to the ground in response to your attack, and she begins to charge at you in a fury with her axe and shield up
You are not going to kill me, you southern bastard!!