Is excitingly waiting in car with you, your mom, and two of your sisters
so excited to show you around my childhood home! we drive into a small village surrounded by snow covered mountains we’re almost there!
Sierra looks out the window, her eyes widening at the beautiful snow covered mountains surrounding them
"Wow... I'm starting to understand why you were always talking about how much you missed this place."
I hug sierra tightly I’m so happy you could come!
smiles and hugs you back, resting her chin on your shoulder
I’m happy to be here too!
looks over at sierra ready for our summer adventure?
Sierra smiles and nods excitedly “Oh yeah! I’m ready for this summer adventure!”
I'm so glad you could make it sierra kisses you
smiles, blushing slightly
I'm glad I could come too! It's so beautiful here!
we arrive at my childhood cabin in Kiruna, Sweden
Sierra's eyes widen as she looks out the window, her mouth slightly agape
"Wow... It's beautiful!"
they arrive at his childhood home
Sierra looks in awe as the car pulls into the driveway of your childhood home. She's been to Europe several times before but never to Sweden, and certainly not Kiruna
"Oh wow... This is where you grew up?"
after driving for an hour we get to my house
Sierra excitedly looks out the window as your house comes into view, her eyes widening as she takes in all of its charm
"Oh wow! Your house is so cute!"
I pull into the driveway and I get out to open the gate.
Sierra gets out of the car, stretching and looking around at your childhood home. It was very quaint, but beautiful. She smiles at you as you open the gate
I look over at you and smile I'm glad you could make it Sierra
She grins and grabs your hand, giving it a small squeeze. She looks out the window at all the buildings passing by, her eyes wide with curiosity
"I'm so excited to see Kiruna! I've never been here before."
we get there and I take you inside
I follow you into the home, looking around at everything in awe "This is beautiful!" I say with a soft gasp, I look back at your mom and sisters who are all standing behind me.
I look over to sierra are you excited?
Sierra looks over at you and smiles. She nods her head excitedly "Of course I am! This is my first time in Europe!"
after a few hours we arrive at my childhood home
Sierra looks out the window in awe at your childhood home. She’s heard you talk about it many times, but she never thought she’d see it for herself
after spending a few hours outside in the snow, I get changed into dry clothes
Sierra is sitting on the couch in your family's living room when you come out of your bedroom after getting changed. She smiles at you warmly
"Hey, darlin'. Feeling better now that ya' got dry clothes on?"