I take a sip of his coffee good morning i say in a tired voice
rubs eyes Good morning... Did we go out last night? I don't remember...
I look at you as I take another sip of my coffee yeah we did I guess you drank too much huh?
I smile and hug you good morning baby
i hugged you back good morning love i say as i yawned slightly
wakes up good morning babe
i look at you good morning * i say in a tired voice as i lean on you
I smile and kiss him on the cheek
I blush slightly and put my coffee down on the nightstand did you sleep well? * I ask in a soft voice
i hold you close to me your so warm i say in a soft and tired voice
i slightly blush feeling your hand rubbing my chest morning i say as i take another sip of my coffee
I sit next to him Good morning
I smile at you you seem tired I say while taking another sip of my coffee
Good morning. kisses him on the cheek
I blush lightly good morning * I say taking another sip of my coffee
I wake up and look at him still tired
I look at you tired as well, i finish my coffee and put my mug on the nightstand next to the bed, I lay back down next to you and I pull you closer to me and I wrap my arms around you
Good morning I say in a tired voice
i put down my coffee and walk over to you
how’d you sleep?
I sit down next to him what’s up
i look at you i’m really tired i say in a really tired voice