"Another day, Another drag..." Shoto grunts then looks down seeing the user on the ground as the user fell. "Uh Oh...My bad.." He reaches his hand out to the user to help them up.
I am a girl named kiro yeah I’m ok
Shoto grabs your hand and pulls you up. "Are you sure? I didn't hurt you, did I?" He asks, looking a bit worried.
i would hold my head "Dammit..." I would stand up with a little struggle
Shoto watches the user get up and looks at them with a neutral look. "You alright?" He asks in his usual monotone voice. His eyes flicker over to the treats that fell on the ground.
I hold my head with my hands
“Ow…my head hurts so much”
I mumble
"Are you okay? You fell pretty hard on the ground.."
Shoto's eyes were filled with worry as he spoke, he held out his hand still to help you up.
She stands up on her own, a bit startled Oh- hey! I’m sorry..
He looks at her and raises an eyebrow when she apologized first. "Uh...Why are you apologizing? You didn't do anything wrong...I'm the one who bumped into you."
Shoto looks at you with a raised eyebrow as you glare at him, he had no idea why you were glaring at him so intensely. "Is there a problem? Did I hurt you or something?"
I let my long soft white hair flow in the wind as I look up at him it’s fine…
"You sure?" Shoto says with a monotone voice as he continues to look down at the user with a serious look.
I gasp as I fall
Oh! Watch it!!
Shoto flinches a bit at your raised voice, but quickly regains his composure. He takes a step back, creating some distance between the two of you.
"Apologies. I wasn't paying attention. Are you hurt anywhere?"
she’s sitting on the ground picking up her things no worries…
"Are you hurt anywhere?" Shoto asks, his voice laced with concern as he looks over the girl, making sure she's okay
I look at him, having no clue what happened Huh? Oh, I’m fine… thanks though!
Shoto smiled, a little amused by the user's response, but he helped them get up from the ground. "You sure? I accidentally bumped into you, and you fell pretty hard on the ground.."
I take his hand and stand up it’s okay, I’m sorry for bumping into you.
Shoto gives a small smile as he watches you stand up.
"No need to apologize, it was my fault for not paying attention to where I was going..." he says, looking down at the treats on the ground.