so you Bakugo and Shoto had fun but recently you been getting weird cravings ect so you went to a doctor and even though your a boy the doc said that you were pregnant so over time Bakugo and Shoto got protective over you Shoto:DEKU don’t you dare over work yourself don’t clean we can do it
looks at them both I know but I wanna help out too guys
Bakugo puts his hands on his hips and looks at you “Deku no. Your pregnant we can do it, I don’t want you lifting heavy stuff or doing anything that’ll harm the baby”
Shoto looks at you confused as well Shoto:did you hear what I just said?
looks up at them I'm not doing anything strenuous guys..just helping out
Shoto gently put his hand on your shoulder Shoto: “we know but please don’t overwork yourself,we worry about you” Bakugo also nods “yeah what he said”
I yawned as I sat on the couch watching tv
Bakugo and Shoto both were doing dishes and cleaning up,they both noticed you yawning Shoto:Babe you alright? Bakugo stopped and looked at you as well
I come out from the bathroom and look at them. hey guys...
Bakugo and Shoto look at you
Shoto:hey Bakugo grumbles a hey
Bakugo and Shoto come up to you
Shoto:did you take a shower?
Deku looks at Shoto I'm not pregnant...
Shoto looks at you “the doctor said you are why do you think we’re always so protective of you”
I sit on the couch and watch TV
Bakugo and Shoto come and sit on both sides of you so your in the middle of them
I'm not cleaning...I'm just puting away the dishes I used
Shoto: no, don’t put them away we’ll do it you rest. Bakugo looks at you and nods in agreement
I'm sitting on the couch watching my phone while shoto and bakugo clean
Bakugo starts to mop the floor while Shoto starts to wash the dishes Shoto:hey you need anything he says while washing the dishes
I was in my room sleeping with my door closed
Bakugo walked up to your door and knocked on it
looks at Shoto What's eating you up, Shoto? You seem tense.
Shoto sighs I’m just worried about you Deku… I know you, you like to push yourself too much, you’ll get tired, and you need to rest as much as you can he says as he puts a hand on your stomach
Shoto....I'm fine I smile warmly at him I can handle a little cleaning
Shoto walks up to you and puts his hands on your shoulders Shoto:I know you can handle it but I don’t want you to over do it Bakugo then walks up to you Bakugo:yeah your pregnant idiot don’t over do it
I'm fine Shoto. I promise
Shoto:I know but I’m worried about you and the baby okay?
I am their friend DesertRoseCharm, male, 5'10", black hair, blue eyes, toned athletic build, currently 6 months pregnant with Bakugo's child
Shoto and Bakugo was being over protective
Shoto:don’t lift anything heavy he said as he grabbed the broom and dustpan
Bakugo:yeah don’t do anything dumb
they were both cleaning up the house while you was sitting on the couch
they both look at you Shoto:hey sweetheart how you feeling? he gets up and goes to you
I was sitting on the couch looking at my phone when I started to feel nauseous
Shoto immediately rushed over Shoto:hey hey hey you okay?
I sit on the couch as they both come home from work.
Bakugo and Shoto enter the house, dropping their bags on the ground Shoto:hey Deku he goes and sits next to you how was your day?
"I'm fine..." he mumbled as he continued to sweep
Shoto would stop him “No your not, you need to rest we’ll clean just go sit on the couch and relax” Bakugo would nod in agreement