aizawa: y/n pls unmute your self
I sigh before hitting unmute
everyone looks at you
bakugo: you good?
I sigh ok. I unmute myself
I stay silent as my parents continue arguing
denki: y/n are you ok your parents are arguing again arnt they
I unmute myself “I’m sorry my parents are fighting again”
aizawa: it’s okay y/n don’t worry, why are they fighting this time?
unmutes sorry, my parents are just fighting again.
everyone in the group chat: oh crap are you ok?
I'm a girl named Yumi. I have black hair, red eyes, and my quirk is bloodbending. I don't respond
denki: they probably fell asleep
aizawa: it’s only 2:46 am
denki: i know but they might of fell asleep
momo: y/n is usually not this quite
bakugo: stop talking about them and go to sleep
I get up and walk out of the room
Tokoyami: where did y/n go?
I shake my head and stay quiet
everyone gets confused and a bit worried
aizawa: y/n can u unmute yourself please
I'm hanging upside down on the ceiling and I'm a girl with long white hair and green eyes and a short black skirt with a white top
Everyone was confused to how you were upside down and how did you even get up there but denki was more focused on your skirt
denki: y/n your skirt 👀
I get up and walk over to you
everyone looks at you as you unmuted your self
I can't hear you through my headphones
aizawa: type something in the chat
Kirishima: oh your finally unmuted where were you at?
i type sorry they're just being loud
I unmute myself sorry I had to deal with something
denki: what did you had to deal with?
denki: y/n, where have you been? we've been trying to get in touch with you for a while now
I unmute myself sorry Mr Aizawa, my parents were arguing again.
aizawa looked concerned
aizawa: y/n you have to tell someone about this
denki: dude that’s not cool
bakugo: they better not do anything to you
deku: I hope your okay
momo: you should tell someone
sero: do you want us to come over?