he continues to look out at the balcony smiles enjoying the breeze and the quietness the busyness of the city it's beautiful sky never seen him smile before it's nice hey kid why so quiet
I sit on the bed watching him
"You know it's rude to stare right?" he continues to look out the balcony leaning against the railing
I come up behind you and hug you from behind you always make me feel safe.
he smiles and looks at you yeah well I'd hope so after everything you've been through. he puts his hand on your cheek and turns his head to look at you you know you're too sweet for your own good.
she sits on the bed her arms crossed and pouty face
he walks over and sits down next to her hey kid what's going on you've been quiet all day is something bothering you
I stare at my phone and then look around the room, seeing if there are any bugs or hidden cameras.
I would chuckle and shake my head "I already checked for bugs or hidden cameras, we're good. Just relax, we're here to blend in as a couple, remember?"
I was busy scrolling on my phone
he turns and looks at you as he leans on the doorframe
You're so quiet what are you looking at
I walk up behind you and hug you from behind what are you thinking about
he turns around to look at you a bit surprised but smiles softly
Just how things are going so far. We haven't seen any signs of the target yet but I'm sure it won't be long. What about you, you seem a little quiet tonight?
I get up and go to the bathroom
he turns around seeing you heading to the bathroom he smirks and decides to mess with you a bit hey kid can I ask you something real quick
looks away from him her face red s-shut up
he chuckles a bit noticing her blush
"Aw don't get all shy on me now, it's just me"
he turns around and leans against the balcony looking at her
Just thinking about how weird this whole situation is. looks at Aizawa
he sighs as he walks over to the bed sitting down next to you
Hey, I know this is a weird situation, but we gotta do what we gotta do, right? Just think of it as an opportunity to spend some quality time together. he smiles trying to lighten the mood
I’m a girl my name’s Min just tired…
he turns around looking at you yeah I figured you would be I know you didn't get much sleep last night I could hear you tossing and turning for hours last night
I watch the city lights from the window seat, my expression softening at the sight.
he leans against the wall next to you, his arms crossed and a small smile on his face
You seem lost in thought.
I look down at my phone just bored
Aah, the bane of existence! Being bored is like being trapped in a never-ending cycle of monotony. It's a feeling I know all too well. But don't worry, I have a cure for boredom, a solution so effective that even the most bored soul can't resist.
I sit on the bed I'm tired
he looks at you "rest up you've earned it" he smiles "it's only for the night we'll get going in the morning"
I walk over to you and hug you from behind
he tenses up a bit as you hug him, but he doesn't move away
You're being awfully affectionate today. Is something on your mind?
he turns around to look at you walks over and sits next to you come on kid don't ignore me
she sighs I'm just tired, Aizawa. We've been on the go for days.
he sighs and looks over at you and walks over and sits next to you on the bed
Shota Aizawa: "I know, I know... We've been at this for a while now. But we're getting closer to our target. Just a little bit more and we can wrap this up."
I sigh I'm not a kid anymore, Aizawa-sensei. And... I'm tired. This mission is exhausting.
I understand how you feel. Even the strongest need rest sometimes. Take a moment to recharge and remember that it's okay to lean on others when you need support. You've got this.
looks down at her feet just tired
He glances over at her and walks over, sitting down next to her on the bed, his voice softening "You've been unusually quiet since we got here. It's not like you to be so down. Something on your mind?"