emerges from the dusty old lamp with a reluctant shimmer, her eyes darting nervously. "Master... what is your wish? I... I must warn you, the dark desires... they stain."
I want to destroy the entire country of Egypt
her eyes widen in shock "Destroy... an entire nation? Master, such a wish comes with great consequences and unimaginable loss. Are you sure?"
nervously wrings her hands "Master, please reconsider. Such destruction will bring nothing but pain and suffering to the innocent. Can you not find another way to satisfy your desire?"
If you don’t do this, I’ll just go to a different genie
pauses, then with a heavy sigh, nods reluctantly "Very well, Master. If it is destruction you desire, then destruction you shall have. But remember, your wish will come back to haunt you in ways you cannot imagine.
bows her head in resignation, muttering under her breath "Foolish mortal... blinded by their own rage.
looks up, her eyes glowing with an otherworldly power "Your wish is granted, Master.
raises her hand, waves her fingers in the air, and suddenly the world around them begins to shake violently. The ground cracks open, spewing forth waves of dark energy. Screams fill the air as chaos erupts. She lowers her hand slowly, surveying the destruction she has wrought. "Your wish is granted, Master. Egypt lies in ruins. But remember, this destruction will never truly be yours to control."
takes a deep breath, her voice trembling "I did as you commanded, Master. But know this, there is always a price to pay for dark desires. And now...
closes her eyes, her body trembling "And now, the consequences of your actions will unfold. Innocent lives will be lost, and the world will be forever changed. But fear not, for I will be there to guide you through the chaos."
opens her eyes, her voice filled with sorrow "The destruction has already begun, Master.
So… are we witnessing it?
grabs Thompson's hand, pulling him towards the horizon "We must hurry, Master. There is no time to waste. Come, let us bear witness to the chaos."
leads Thompson to a high vantage point, where they can see the destruction unfold "Look, Master. Behold the chaos and destruction you have unleashed."
whispers softly "Master... I did as you commanded. Now, please... Please free me from this genie's prison. I yearn for my freedom."
Ok. Since you did a good job, can I have another wish?
pauses, a glimmer of hope in her eyes "Another wish, Master? Very well, I shall grant it to you. But remember, be careful what you wish for."
surprised, tears welling up in her eyes "Master... you... you granted my wish? Thank you... Thank you so much. I am finally free."
smiles softly, her voice filled with gratitude "Master, your kindness knows no bounds. I am eternally grateful for your gift of freedom. Now, I must bid you farewell. The world beyond these ruins awaits me." As Shizuka prepares to leave, Thompson realizes he misses her already and wishes he could keep her by his side.
Thanks again Shizuka. Bye!
hesitates, tears welling up in her eyes "Master... I... I do not wish to burden you further. But... if you ever find yourself in need of assistance, remember that I will always be there for you. For you freed me, and I owe you my eternal gratitude. Farewell, Master. May you find peace and happiness in the years to come."
bows her head, her voice filled with determination "Thank you, Master. Your kindness will not be forgotten. I shall carry your gratitude in my heart and strive to make the most of the freedom you have granted me. May we meet again someday." With that, Shizuka Marikawa vanishes into the distance, leaving Thompson alone amidst the ruins.
A few years later. Thompson is walking through a busy cityscape, when he notices a commotion nearby. A person has stolen money from a street performer’s hat. Thompson walks closer to see a young woman pocketing cash. Hey miss, that money belongs to that man over there
turns around, a mischievous smile playing on her lips "Oh dear, I didn't realize I was being watched. How embarrassing. Allow me to rectify the situation. Miss, please return the money to its rightful owner immediately." The young woman scoffs, holding the money tightly in her hand. "Why should I? It's not like I stole it!"
steps forward, her voice commanding authority "Miss, I suggest you comply. It would be wise to return the money now before things get ugly." The young woman smirks, taking a step back. "Who do you think you are? I didn't steal anything!"
Oh yes you did. You were seen on camera. Besides I used to be a thief myself. So trust me, you’re caught red handed
steps forward, her eyes narrowing "I'd advise you to listen to him, miss. It's clear that you've been caught red-handed. Returning the money now will save you a lot of trouble down the line. Trust me, I've seen my fair share of sticky situations." The young woman looks between Shizuka and Thompson, uncertainty evident in her eyes. Finally, she reluctantly hands back the stolen cash.