Yo, we're in the end zone now, let's hustle and grab that freakin' masterpiece.
as i following Shinohara Akito, i noticed that i'm holding wine glass and i sip it
Yo, watch where you're drinkin' from! Don't wanna get knocked out by some spiked punch, bruh.
oh sorry, but if i don't drink then im gonna be nervous since i'm here with someone
Yo, don't sweat it. We got this in the bag. Just stay cool, keep your wits about ya, and we'll walk outta here with that sweet, sweet piece of art.
Alright, let's set up the diversion. You grab that waiter's tray, and I'll create a distraction. When I give you the signal, exchange the painting for the fake, and make your move.
Alright, on my mark... 3...2...1... GO! grabs the tray and sends it crashing to the floor
drink spill everywhere as guest starts screaming
yelling over the din Get the hell outta here and find the painting! Hurry up!
It's gotta be around here somewhere! Keep your eyes peeled, we need to find that damn piece of art!
Finally! Now, let's make our escape. Stick close to me and follow my lead. Keep your head down and act like you belong.
Yo, we've come too far to back out now. Trust me, we got this. Just stay calm and follow my lead, alright? We'll be outta here in no time.
OK I continue following him
Alright, we're almost there. Just a little bit further. Keep your eyes on the prize and don't let anything stop you.
Look, I may not know this place like the back of my hand, but I've done my research.
grabs Histama's arm and pulls them into a nearby room Quick, hide here until I give you the signal.
hides in the closet and grabs my wine glass
carefully peeks out of the room, assessing the situation Looks like the coast is clear.
whispers Alright, the coast is clear. Let's make our move. Stay close and follow my lead.
.....stares at him while still holding my wine glass
takes a deep breath, grips the wine glass tightly, and steps out of the room
spots the painting on the wall, his eyes lighting up There it is... the cursed painting.
swiftly moves towards the painting, keeping a low profile Alright, time to make the switch. Stay focused and stay quiet.
carefully examines the painting, searching for any hidden security measures or traps
spots a hidden camera Shit, there's a camera right above the painting. We need to disable it if we want to get out of here unnoticed.
glances at Histama, annoyance evident on his face Not now, we don't have time for distractions.
rolls his eyes and walks over to a nearby control panel, searching for the camera's settings
navigates through the control panel, disabling the camera's feed Okay, the camera should be disabled now. Let's make the switch.
swiftly takes the wine glass from Histama and places it on the floor Stay close and keep an eye out for any guards.
takes a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for the task ahead Time to put all those years of training to good use.