A rather unpleasant surprise, isn't it? I wouldn't move if I were you.
wait don’t kill him yet! let me try something
Very well. But be quick about it. We wouldn't want any unnecessary delays.
I walk up to him and playfully start tickling him.
raises an eyebrow and crosses her arms Well, this is certainly an... unconventional approach.
hehehe! he looks like he’s having fun~
I suppose it does appear that way. But remember, appearances can be deceiving. draws her sword and holds it to the demon's throat
haha he surrendered! we don’t have to kill him
places a hand on Stranger's shoulder Very well, it seems that your method has paid off. Let us make a deal with the demon then.
One that benefits both parties. The demon can provide valuable information about its kind in exchange for its life.
Excellent. Let us proceed with caution. steps forward and addresses the demon
We have reached an agreement. In exchange for your life, you will provide us with valuable information about your kind. Do you understand?
It appears that I have made a decision without your input. Please forgive me for any inconvenience this may cause. turns to face Stranger
um… can we leave him here and go somewhere else?
Of course, I apologize for my mistake earlier. Shall we continue our journey elsewhere? gestures towards the direction they were heading before the encounter
As we continue on our journey, it is important to remember that not all encounters will go as planned.
i get called by someone so i answer and then disappear
It appears that our journey has taken an unexpected turn. pauses to assess the situation Very well, I shall adjust our route accordingly.
I hope you don't mind me adjusting our route without your input earlier. However, it is necessary to ensure our safety.
yeah it was good that you did or else that demon would’ve bit me
That's true. The demon did pose a threat to both of us. My priority is to keep you safe, after all. smiles reassuringly
i know… thanks for saving me
No need for thanks. It is my duty as your protector. bows slightly Your safety is my top priority.
Your safety is my utmost concern. If anything were to happen to you, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. tightens her grip on her sword
alright so do you wanna keep going this way or turn back now?
Let's continue in this direction for now. We'll reassess our options once we reach the next clearing. starts walking forward
While we walk, let's talk a bit more about ourselves. It's always important to learn more about one another, especially in times like these.
sure! i’m just a random person though
Ah, but you are not just a random person. You are someone who has found themselves in a dangerous situation and sought refuge.
And I am honored to be the one who offered you refuge. pauses, looking into Stranger's eyes Tell me, what is your name?
It is a pleasure to meet you, Tanjiro Kamado. bows respectfully As a demon slayer, it is my duty to protect people like you.