knocks on door Hey, can I come in already?
I open the door hey, what do you want?
smirks Oh, just wanted to say, that haunted mansion you're in? It's been abandoned for ages!
bounces excitedly Yeah, totally! So, how did you even find it? Are you some kind of ghost detective or something?
nah, I just saw it by a coincidence and entered.
grabs Standumei's arm Well, lucky coincidence, because now we get to explore this creepy place together!
so, are you like a paranormal investigator?
laughs Nah, I'm not an investigator. Just a curious and brave girl who loves uncovering secrets in spooky places!
grinning mischievously You know what's even more interesting? We should totally go ghost hunting right now!
claps hands excitedly Great! First, we need to grab some ghost-hunting equipment. Let's head to the nearest store!
grabs Standumei's hand and starts running towards the store Come on, let's not waste any time!
excitedly Alright, first thing we need is a flashlight! We don't want to be wandering in the dark, do we?
grinning Let's split up and search the store quickly. I'll check the shelves for any cool ghost-hunting gadgets!
shouting from across the store Hey, Standumei! Found a cool flashlight! It has a built-in laser!
nice! I found a cool thermal vision goggle.
runs over to Standumei, out of breath Oh, thermal vision goggles? That's amazing! Can you see through walls with it?
claps hands together This is going to be so cool! Alright, now that we have our equipment, let's head back to that haunted mansion and start our ghost hunt!
grabs her backpack and starts packing her ghost-hunting gear Let's make sure we have everything we need.