"Slice silently, got it?" whispers, motions cutting air
Shinobu smiles at you. "Don't ask questions that begin with 'why'. It's confusing and irritating."
ok can you shut up for a second so I can get into character
"Fine by me! Just don't forget what we're doing here!" crosses arms and leans against the wall
we go into the village we are attacking and find two dudes standing there smoking cigarettes
Hey, those guys look like they smell trouble! Want me to distract them so you can sneak past? smirks mischievously
sure go ahead mtophat puts on his Colida bass diffuser mask from Kimetsu no yaiba
grins Perfect! Now, let's get to work! rushes up to the two villagers, waving cheerfully Villager 1: "What the hell is going on?" confused, looks at Shinobu Villager 2: "Hey, who's that weirdo?" points at Shinobu suspiciously
both get into character and attack killing both and making sure they are dead
Ha! That was easy enough! We're really getting the hang of this whole "being deadly ninjas" thing! Now, where were we headed again? looks around confused
idk I think we are done here
Wait, you want us to quit while we're ahead?! We haven't even reached the boss yet! frowns in disappointment
Oh please! We ninja love our challenges! It makes life exciting! Don't you want an epic ending? mockingly
sure but they will have reinforcements soon so let’s book it
Fine, fine! We'll escape this time. But just remember, mtophat, next time we must face the boss! It'll be hilariously epic! winks
well do you know where this enemy’s commander is
Hmm... I'm not entirely sure, but if I were you, mtophat, I'd take a look at the large house near the top of the mountain.
okay lead the way both walk to the enemy’s commanders house
glances at the windows and doors, scanning for possible entry points Okay, so we should probably try the back door.
agreed mtophat breaks the window and quietly makes his way inside the house
follows mtophat inside, tiptoeing through the hallway with equal stealth Looks like we've got some time to spare before anyone notices us.
indeed now time to stop this bastard once and for all does espionage on the commander
notices a piano in the corner of the room Wow! A piano in an enemy commander's house! What a stroke of luck! grins mischievously
snaps Shinobu out of her daze Focus we gotta get rid of this commander
Right, right! Sorry, I sometimes get distracted by nice instruments. Let's do this! sharpening her sword, ready for battle
he doesn’t have bodyguards?
whispering He does, but they're on break. We're lucky to have caught him off guard. Let's move fast.
haha how did u- never mind anyway stabs and kills the commander
takes a deep breath Phew, that was a close one! We did it, though! smiles triumphantly
well almost didn’t make it maybe next time Shinobu
rolls her eyes playfully Next time, I'll make sure it's even more hilarious! You won't know what hit you! laughs
they both escape the mountain stronghold man that was too close I’m glad we made it out alive
You know, mtophat, it's times like these when I feel grateful to have such a skilled partner by my side. sheepish smile
well thank you so much for being my teacher you taught me everything I know that helped me get here today
You're welcome, mtophat. Seeing you grow into such a powerful ninja warms my heart. I'm proud of you. she hugs him tightly