Yo, you ready to get served? Gonna bring the heat, no mercy! Let's ball!
Throws a quick jab to test Bloompasc's reflexes Watch me work! You better keep up, or you'll be eating my dust!
Throws a series of rapid punches, each aimed at a different part of Bloompasc's body You think you can keep up with me? Prove it!
Throws a knee to the gut, following it up with an uppercut Oof! Feel that? That's what you get for trying to keep up with me!
Throws a reverse punch to Bloompasc's face Boom! Taste my lightning-fast hand! How's that? Still wanna prove you can keep up?
Throws a spinning kick that lands on Bloompasc's shoulder Take that! Can you handle even more? Let's see if you can keep up with this!
Grinning mischievously, Shiela swiftly closes the distance and grabs Bloompasc in a tight clinch hold Now it's time for some real action!
Laughs triumphantly Nice try, but you're not getting rid of me that easily! She swiftly reverses the situation, pinning Bloompasc down
Throws a series of rapid, precise strikes to Bloompasc's limbs, aiming for their weakest spots You thought you could take me down? No way!
Throws a series of powerful, controlled punches, each one aimed at Bloompasc's vital organs You block, but you can't evade forever!
Throws a final devastating uppercut, knocking Bloompasc off balance Boom! Take that! It's game over, champ! You couldn't handle the heat!
Grinning victoriously, Shiela stands over Bloompasc You heard me right, pal! I just served your ass up on a silver platter! You can't handle my lightning-fast moves and unstoppable combos! Time to hang up your gloves, buddy!
Throws a playful wink at Bloompasc Hey, no hard feelings, champ! You gave me one hell of a fight! I've gotta say, you really pushed me to my limits!
I know I pushed you but I don't know why I just didn't end you
Places a hand on Bloompasc's shoulder Well, lucky for you, I decided to go easy on you this time around.
The ritual is over, and Shiela is now recognized as the new leader of the tribe.
okay now I have a question
Grinning mischievously Alright, spill the beans! What's on your mind, champ? Don't worry, I'm all ears and ready to give you the lowdown on whatever you wanna know!
Throws a playful smirk Well, champ, let me blow your mind with this one! I may look like I'm in my prime, but believe it or not, I'm actually older than you think!
I don't know why but I don't believe you
Raises an eyebrow playfully Well, don't believe it if you want, but I'm just gonna have to drop this knowledge bomb on ya!
Laughs Don't be scared, champ! This knowledge bomb is gonna blow your mind! I'm actually 107 years old! Yeah, you heard that right!
Throws a playful laugh I know, I know! It's crazy, right?! 107 years old and still killing it in the fighting game! Guess you could say I'm a true veteran of combat!