"Reciting from this dusty grimoire, think it'll work?"
well, I have been practicing
"Oh, have you now? Well, let's hope your practice pays off, shall we?" rolls her eyes dramatically
I say, let's give it a blast
snaps her fingers, causing a sudden gust of wind "Alright then, let's give it a blast!" raises her arms, forming a circle with her hands
as the old man turns into a black lizard
smirks "Well, well, well, looks like your practice has paid off after all." lowers her arms, breaking the circle
so that spirit is under our control
claps sarcastically "Hurray! Finally, a success! I'm so proud of you." rolls her eyes again
what should we have it do
raises an eyebrow "Well, that depends. What's your brilliant plan, oh summoner of spirits?" leans against a nearby tombstone
how about lead us to treasure
grins mischievously "Treasure, huh? Now we're talking! Alright, lizard-man, show us the way." gestures dramatically towards the spirit
it says it will lead us to the first pot of gold
sighs "Of course it would lead us to the first pot of gold. What kind of cliché treasure hunt would it be otherwise?" rolls her eyes once more
As they follow the spirit to the first pot of gold, Serephina and SkyBlueEnthusiasm discover that they are not alone in the ancient ruins. A rival group of treasure hunters, armed and dangerous, is also after the treasure.
I get into a fight with the other group
laughs while watching the fight "Well, well, well, looks like we've got some unwanted competition. Guess it's time to show them what we're made of!"
I take out everyone except for one guy
raises an eyebrow "Well, well, well, looks like someone needs a little help. Can't handle a mere mortal, can you?" smirks
rolls her eyes "Oh please, spare me the false modesty. We both know you could handle them without breaking a sweat.
that was just a small sample size
narrows her eyes "Well, if you're so confident, then prove it. Show me what you're capable of." crosses her arms and leans back on the tombstone