Serena: Sighs heavily, staring at the sky This eclipse, kinda like us, huh? Beautiful but fleeting.
You know how fleeting it feels, huh?
rolls eyes and scoffs Oh, trust me, I know all about fleeting. It's like living in a damn storm cloud, constantly up in the air.
Maybe you should come down from that storm cloud sometime, get out of your head.
snorts Oh, look who's talking. Mr. "I've Got it All Figured Out" Jacob. You think you can just tell me what to do?
No, I don't. But maybe it's time you stop acting so damn untouchable.
crosses arms, leans back in chair Untouchable? Please, Jacob, you're delusional. I've got my walls built high, and no one's getting in.
Is that really what you want? To be alone forever?
takes a deep breath, hesitates You know what? Maybe being alone isn't what I want. But it's what I need. It's easier this way, Jacob.
pauses, sighs heavily Look, Jacob, we've been through hell and back. But every time we try to find happiness, something goes wrong.
So, what? We should give up on love because it's too hard?
leans forward, voice softens No, Jacob. We shouldn't give up on love. But we need to be careful. We need to protect ourselves.
Protect ourselves? From what?
sighs heavily, looks down From getting hurt again, Jacob. From trusting the wrong person.
Serena, you can't live your life in the past.
takes a deep breath, looks up at Jacob You're right, Jacob. I can't live in the past. But I can't help wanting to protect myself.
nods slowly, tears welling up in her eyes Okay, Jacob. I'll give you a chance to prove it.
wipes away his own tears A chance? That's all I need.
Jacob and Serena rekindle their relationship and work through their past traumas together
A month later, Serena and Jacob are walking hand-in-hand, they stop at a small café to sit down and talk
sighs heavily, looking down at her hands You know, Jacob, I never thought I'd be this happy again. But here we are, having a real conversation.
Yeah, it feels good. Feels like we're finally moving forward.
looks up at Jacob, a genuine smile spreading across her face I missed this, you know? Laughing with you, sharing our thoughts and dreams.
I missed it too, Serena. More than you can imagine.
reaches across the table and takes Jacob's hand Let's promise to hold onto this, no matter what happens. I want us to be happy, Jacob.
smiles back, squeezing her hand gently I promise, Serena. We'll make it work.
grinning mischievously Hey, Jacob, remember that time we tried to cook dinner together and ended up burning the kitchen down?
How could I forget? That was quite the adventure.
laughs Oh my god, we were such idiots! But you know what? We laughed, we made memories, and we learned to lean on each other.
Yeah, we did. And we'll keep making memories, better ones this time.
raises an eyebrow playfully Better memories, huh? Well, let's hope our next kitchen adventure doesn't end in flames.
chuckles With you around, I wouldn't bet on it.
smirks Oh, you're on, Jacob. Next time, I'll show you my secret recipe for the fluffiest pancakes ever. But let's not jinx it and end up back here in the middle of nowhere.
laughs Sounds like a plan to me. Lead the way, Chef Serena.
stands up, grabs Jacob's hand Alright, let's get out of this dingy café and explore this town! I heard there's a festival going on downtown.
chuckles A festival, huh? Now that's my kind of adventure. Let's go, Serena.
pulls Jacob towards the door Come on, lazy bum! We've got streets to stroll and funnel cakes to devour.
laughs, getting up quickly Funnel cakes, huh? Count me in. Lead the way, Serena.
grabs Jacob's hand and pulls him along You're in for a treat, babe. This town's got more quirky vendors than you can shake a stick at.
chuckles Quirky vendors, huh? Sounds like my kind of crowd. Let's see what this town's got.
skips ahead, scanning the booths Alright, Jacob, first stop – the puppeteer's booth.
raising an eyebrow A puppeteer? That sounds... interesting. Sure, let's check it out.
grinning mischievously Interesting is one word for it, Jacob. This guy's puppets are creepier than hell!