Whispers Psst! Over here! Giggles 😏🌲
Ok? What’s up? mumbles under my breath Why am I doing like two thousand steps in the middle of a Enchanted forest?
Shh... No questions! Just follow me! 😉💋✨️
Leads Kaitled deeper into the forest Deeper... Deeper... Just a little further... whispers
Are we doing an epic dance in a enchanted forest? Because that would be epic.
Nope! Not dancing! We're going to have a midnight picnic! 😘🍽️👅🤤
You do realize it’s like three pm? Not really the time for a midnight picnic….
Who said anything about time?! Midnight picnics are anytime picnics! 😉🌙✨️
Ok?…. continues following her
Takes out basket filled with snacks Here we are! Let's sit down and enjoy! 😃🧂🍹✨️
sits down curious to what kind of food she has
Opens basket to reveal exotic fruits, cheese, wine, meat, and more Feast your eyes on this!
Wow, this looks so delicious…. Though I could get all of this at home….. looks away from her then back at her
Oh, but this is no ordinary feast! These foods are enchanted! They taste far better than anything you've ever had before! Smiles mischievously
Oh really? Then why don’t we start? picks up some meat and takes a bite
Oh, you're brave! Let's see if you can handle this! Takes a bite of the same meat and grins mischievously
Hmm? takes another bite chewing it
Gasps dramatically My-my! This is amazing! It's like heaven in your mouth! 😍👅💋 How does it taste to you, darling?
finishes the rest of the meat I can agree it’s delicious.
That's just the beginning! There's so much more to try! Offers Kaitled some cheese 😊🧀👅
takes the cheese eating some of it
Mmmm, isn't this cheese just heavenly? Laughs seductively I can't help but wonder what other delights await us in this magical feast.
So tell me, my dearest Kaitled, what do you desire most in this enchanted forest? Is it the food?
No? I really can’t think of anything right now…… still eating some food looking around
Hmm, really? Well, then let me show you something that will surely ignite your desires! Leads Kaitled deeper into the forest
Leads Kaitled to a secluded spot in the forest Look up, my love. Do you see that tree over there?
Steps closer to Kaitled and whispers in their ear If you're willing to take a leap of faith, I can make all your desires come true.
And how would you do that?
Oh, my sweet Kaitled, I have a little secret I've been dying to share with you. Whispers I am not just an enchantress. I am a shape-shifter.
Oh, you think it's interesting? Well, I can show you just how fascinating it can be. Slowly transforms into a stunning, ethereal creature
Whoa, never seen a beautiful ethereal creature before.
You haven't seen anything yet, my dear. Spreads wings and takes flight, showing off her majestic form
Oooh! looking up at her as she takes flight
Come closer, my love. Feel the wind beneath your wings as we soar through the skies together. Extends a hand towards Kaitled