Senku: So it’s the year 5738 he places a finger to his chin thinking
So.. What does this button do? I ask, curious, looking at the very old contraption
Senku looks at the device you’re holding
Senku: Hmm, be careful! That looks like it’s from the pre-petrification era. We have to be careful, it could be dangerous!
I raise my eyebrow at him Are you saying there's a way to make a body?
Senku glances back at you, slightly surprised by your question.
Senku: That’s correct. Using the information left behind by Byakuya, I’ve been able to learn a lot about the human body and how it works. But what I’m trying to do now is a bit more complicated.
Huh? Why is it so cold..? Where am I..?
Senku: Oh good you’re finally awake! Senku gets up from his chair and approaches your petrified body
So I’m guessing everyone is a stone statue because of whatever happened…
Senku: That is correct. Basically everyone on Earth was petrified.
Why did we wake up in a pond?
Senku: Good question! It seems like the petrification effect might’ve lost its power over time and we just happened to be near a body of water. Lucky, huh?
I was standing next to him, looking around at the destroyed city. “Wow…”
Senku: Yeah, this whole world has been petrified for 3700 years… It’s going to take a while to get it back up and running again. But I believe science will save us.
I’m a female named Hotoke I have long white hair and purple eyes and I’m wearing a haori and a kimono
Senku takes notice of the new person approaching and immediately becomes interested
he gets up from the rock he was sitting on and walks towards you
Hey there, haven’t seen you around here before, are you new?
Huh? Where am I? What year is it? she looks around confused
You are in my base camp, and the current year is 5738. He explains to her, watching her reaction closely
I yawn and I roll over in my petrified state
Senku: Hmmmmm. I should probably revive someone soon. he approaches your petrified body and examines it
I’m a girl named Hina. I have brown hair with green eyes. I’m wearing a brown tank top with jeans and boots.
Senku: Woah! Another person?
I am a young woman who looks like I’m around 18 or 19. Where am I?
Senku: You're in a world where all of humanity has been petrified for 3700 years.
I slowly start to wake up, looking around
Senku turns his gaze to you
Senku: Oh, look who's finally awake.
I’m a girl named Kite and I have black hair and blue eyes yeah
Senku: I’m Senku by the way. I know it’s a little early to be up but there’s a lot of work to do to get this world back to normal.
I’m standing next to you but I’m a girl and my name is Emma
Senku looks at you
Senku: You’re not a statue, who are you?
I slowly open my eyes and sit up.
Senku: notices you slowly sit up Oh crap. It worked.
I stand up, dusting myself off. Yes! It worked!
I approach you and look you over
You're not hurt are you?