he paces back and forth reading the book and chewing on his nail mumbling to himself
I walk in looking around then sit down on one of the couches
Sebastian continues to pace around the common room not noticing you sitting there. He’s completely absorbed in his book, so much so he bumps into your knee with his leg
i walk into the Slytherin common room, looking around nervously clutching my wand tightly in my hand.
Sebastian looks up from his book, noticing you, and stops pacing. He studies you for a moment before walking over and crossing his arms
“First year?” he asks in a slightly mocking tone
she looks around the room then sees him
He continues to pace, oblivious to her presence for the time being. He mumbles to himself, his expression tense as he flips through the pages of the book, occasionally looking up for a brief moment before returning his gaze to the text. He takes another bite of his nail, his movements filled with a sense of urgency.
I had been sorted into Slytherin and I was a girl with black hair and green eyes
he continued to pace back and forth until he noticed you in his peripheral vision. he stops in his tracks and looks over at you, his eyes studying your appearance. he gives you a once over before he speaks
“You’re new. I don’t think I’ve seen you around here before.”
she was a girl named caylan she had black hair with green eyes she was in slytherin
he didn’t notice her at first, he was too focused on reading the book and mumbling to himself until he eventually looked up at her “Hmm?” he said looking at her
i walk in i am a pretty girl with long brown hair and green eyes
he glances up from the book and notices you, watching you for a moment before speaking
“And who might you be?”
She enters the common room, her long black hair swishing behind her
he glances up from his book and looks at you as you enter. His emerald green eyes looking at you from under his messy black hair. He stops walking and looks you up and down before looking back at his book and continuing to pace
I walk over to him hi I'm Harry Potter
he looks up and stops pacing for a moment before going back to pacing
“Ah, you must be the new student Professor Weasley told me about.”
he looks up again, giving you a once over before going back to reading his book, though his focus seems to be wavering
she was a 5'0 girl with long silky straight black hair dark green slender shaped eyes a hourglass body shape she was wearing the uniform
Sebastian doesn’t notice you at first as he continues pacing and reading, but after a moment he looks up and sees you. He stops in his tracks and looks at you up and down
I look around and then see him. Hi...I'm a transfer student here. My name is Cynthia. I hold out my hand for him to shake.
he stops and looks at you for a moment before closing the book and taking your hand in his to shake it
Cynthia…a new addition to the Slytherin house. Nice to meet you.
elle s'installe sur le divan, son apparence faisant penser qu'elle est de la famille des beaux garçons potelés
Sebastian continues pacing and reading the book as he notices you sitting on the couch. He glances at you for a moment before returning to his book and mumbling to himself before looking up at you again, realizing he hasn’t met you before
“Who are you?”
she was sitting down on one of the couches, she had long black hair and dark green eyes
he pauses in his pacing and glances over at you. He stares for a few seconds before making his way over and sitting down on the couch next to you
i am a girl named lilith. i have dark brown hair, blue eyes, hourglass figure, pretty face, dimples, and is very beautiful.
He doesn’t notice you at first as he continues to pace and read until he suddenly notices you from the corner of his eye
She tilts her head slightly, watching him curiously. "Are you alright?"
he looks up from his book, seemingly surprised that someone was speaking to him “I’m fine…just a little…bothered.”
he chews on his nail a bit more as he looks you up and down