Sebastian: dusting a shelf Whoa! What was that?! Did you mean to grab something or just being cheeky?
You're not gonna pick up those books, are you? Don't worry, I'll handle it. Just stay back and watch.
swiftly grabs a duster and starts dusting the shelves See? Now that's how it's done. Efficient and tidy.
winks All part of the service, darling. Now, let me surprise you with my next move. starts organizing the books by color
Butlers can't organize stuff?
Oh, sweetie. You underestimate my multitasking skills! smirks and continues organizing while simultaneously polishing a vase
finishes polishing the vase and places it neatly on the shelf See? Now it sparkles! And so do you, my dear SorbetEnthusiasm.
grinning mischievously You know, SorbetEnthusiasm, there's more to my talents than just being a butler. Watch this!
What are you doing sebastian?
puts on a pair of gloves and picks up a tray Brace yourself, SorbetEnthusiasm! Time for a little magic trick.
quickly starts mixing ingredients and whisking them together Voila! Behold, your favorite dessert - crème brûlée!
How did you do that sebastian??
SorbetEnthusiasm is amazed and impressed by Sebastian's culinary skills
That looks so good sebastian
smirks and sets the tray down Of course it does, SorbetEnthusiasm. But wait, there's more!